Has anyone noticed....

That the news has snuck back up towards the top of the Argus' new website design?


Anonymous said…
Their website is still crap. Do they ever put updated news on it?
Anonymous said…
I agree the Argus website is horrible- it is by far the worst site of any daily in South Dakota. I guess their website just matches their reporting.
Anonymous said…
I read the Argus Newspaper every chance I get. Just a habit from over the years.

I probably ready 5 to 6 newspaper websites a day and I would rate the Argus website at the bottom of the list!
Anonymous said…
The Argus should get their little cadre of lawyers together to do something really productive - Sue whoever they hired to design that website!

It shouldn't be hard to design a website for a daily newspaper - just look around at the others and draw from them. There is a reason that no other newspaper has a page that looks like that of the Argus!
Anonymous said…
The Argus Website. Total lack of focus. Can't find ANYTHING on it. When I log in, I feel like I'm having a STROKE.

How did a professional communications organization come to this?


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