The JAIL looneys are starting up on the results.

Check out this comment from a JAIL message board:
Does South Dakota 's government expect the people to believe that 90% of them approve of the ongoing fraudulent, destructive, unlawful, and unconstitutional judicial opinions? Nonsense!

South Dakota government has a much more effective and sinister way to steal the peoples election than that which they have already used, (by defrauding the people of the true meaning and intent of Amendment E, all done with the illegal use of public funds), and that is to change the tally at public expense, after the individual votes have been cast--either by adding ballots en masse (ballot box "stuffing"), or by reporting a false count.
Are they kidding me?

A new conspiracy. Brought to you by the people who think 9/11 and the flouridation of water are government plots.


Anonymous said…
I think the Rockefellers and the Trilateral Commission are behind it. Ha. Good job Bob Miller, Tom Barnett and the State Bar on organizing this opposition. Well done.
Anonymous said…
What a bunch of ass-munches. Do they really think that ALL the county auditors conspired against them?
Anonymous said…
Their sore loser reaction will not be forgotten by the SD voters. If they only had a brain...
Anonymous said…
The New World Order had UN Soldiers swoop down from the skies in their jet packs and steal the real ballots. Then they also replaced our regular coffee with Folger's Crystals!!!
PP said…
HA! "Nick" I love the pseudonym!
Anonymous said…
...You'll not be laughing so hard PP when the SPP and the nasco corridor usurps what little sovereignty you have left. Oh, but that IS a conspiracy isn't it? Why don't folks like you with their heads in the sand wake up. You can't remain FREE and IGNORANT. Go ahead...Let the power of the state be your God and worship the state as your God. Give them all your power with absolute control and no oversight and you will have earned the government you deserve. If you think Long was objective in several of his "descriptions" on the ballot, then you should contact a realtor because I understand there's some fine ocean view property for sale near Pierre. Worthless eaters is what your elite masters refer to you as -- perhaps you are! The joke's on you PP, and I'll be laughing my butt off when you're number is called.
PP said…
Farmer, you'd better be nice or I'm calling the trilateral commission and the illuminati and telling on you.

uh, oh. Better hide. The black helicopters are on their way.
Anonymous said…
PP - Why do I have no doubt that you do indeed know the phone numbers for members of the trilateral commission and of the illuminati? Perhaps you are one of their precious little sheep? David Rockefeller have ya in his pocket does he? Maybe Uncle Hank Kissinger? If you can look at a website like and still not recognize the encroachment of your freedom by a small, select group of people with slow, steady, unrelenting plans against your individual freedom then you are in for a surprise. Like I said Paul, the last laugh's on you!

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