Janklow to represent accuser in Sutton page scandal

The Argus Leader is reporting tonight that former Congressman and Governor Bill Janklow will be representing the young man accusing State Senator Dan Sutton of sexually groping him.
Bill Janklow will be involved in a special session to address allegations of inappropriate behavior between Sen. Dan Sutton and a former legislative page.

The former U.S. Congressman and South Dakota governor will represent the page, Senate leaders confirmed tonight.

“Bill Janklow, as I understand it, is representing the young man with respect to the Senate proceeding,” Senate President Lee Schoenbeck said.

Janklow’s aim is “to be sure the young man is being treated appropriately,” Schoenbeck said.

Schoenbeck said he had one conversation with Janklow, who “called us to let us know what he was doing.”
Read it all here.

*update* - I added this comment to the comment section under this post because for some reason, it was turning into a Janklow bash-fest. And for the life of me, it borders on offensive.
You know, I think a lot of you are letting political prejudices cloud your memory on a few things.

Bill Janklow is a master orator, a darned good lawyer, and he's looking out for the accuser in this matter.

You remember the accuser? The one who was allegedly victimized by being sexually groped by Senator Sutton? Apparently everyone is forgetting he has rights too. And it's been evident from the beginning that the defense is going to be spirited.

I can think of no one in this entire state I'd rather have on my side.


Anonymous said…
Why would he pick janklow? There goes his credibility.
Anonymous said…
well, Janklow knows all about felonies
Anonymous said…
As if this couldn't get any crazier - now they are going to have to sell tickets for the special session.
Anonymous said…
Profits going to Exodus and Ted Haggard's re-education fund...
Anonymous said…
I thought big J publicly promised he was only going to do pro bono work on the reservations for native americans? The Minnesota hospital and the alleged victums father must have native american roots? This whole event is the ultimate hypocrisy and a new lov in South Dakota politics. " I could not win in the primary so Danny boy you will not even get that chance."
Haggs said…
The only thing that could've made this Sutton issue more controversial is if Janklow got involved... and here we have it. I mean, geez, why did he think it was a good idea to throw his name into this mess?
Anonymous said…
This is CRAZY!! Why would Janklow jump on a case like this when both of the involved parties are from his home town. This is an unbelievable situation..Shame on BILL JANKLOW!!!! I would think it would be a conflict of interest for Janklow considering he worked with Dan while he was in the legislature and knew him on a personal level!!!
PP said…
You know, I think a lot of you are letting political prejudices cloud your memory on a few things.

Bill Janklow is a master orator, a darned good lawyer, and he's looking out for the accuser in this matter.

You remember the accuser? The one who was allegedly victimized?

Apparently everyone is forgetting he has rights too. And it's been evident from the beginning that the defense is going to be spirited.

I can think of no one in this entire state I'd rather have on my side.
Anonymous said…
Janklow's legal reputation will never recover from when he cooked up his infamous "diabetes defense," which everyone thought was insane
Anonymous said…
the kid should also hire Todd Epp and Mary Giebink....now there's a braintrust
Anonymous said…
While we may never know, I wonder if the client picked the lawyer or if Janklow picked the client. Certainly, the Jank will look at this, in part, as an opportunity to reshape his reputation.
Anonymous said…
post 12:20 AM: yes, you are right! What an opportunity to raise money for education! Sell tickets! Charge $1,000 for each seat in the peanut gallery! Huge fees for any media coverage! Get the rights on any t-shirts or caps! You’re right! And since there is always a hesitation to give any money to education, at the very least you could generate enough money to cover the cost of this special session! Or the money could be disbursed among the winners, like they do with the players who win the Super Bowl!

And Janklow is the ringmaster. He always has been and always will be! And you darn right I would want him on my side! Janklow IS a darn good attorney! Also, Janklow scares the hell out of Senators and Representatives always has always will!

I don’t have the slightest idea how this special session will turn out. But I know one thing, I’m sure I’ll never have to go to another Shrine Circus again after watching this show!

All kidding aside, I do realize that this is a serious issue! I just hope the outcome is based on common sense and not politics. I would much rather have this session after the Attorney General settled this in a court of law. I honestly don’t know if this special session is the right way to go. But it’s not my call to make!

I really hope Sutton loses his election and then a special session won’t be needed. Then it could be properly handled in a court of law.
Anonymous said…
I can say through my own insight, that senator Sutton is confident that he will be re-elected tonight and will be the victor in this special session. He is also not afraid to go and face this session head on, because even though Janklow being the excellent orator he is, the innocent will prevail.

Now for all of those of you who think I am blowing smoke at you, I know Janklow as a man, and he is a great and decent man, but what really makes me ashamed in this situation is that Janklow knows both of these families very well, he has grown up with these peoples parent's or their siblings. I am just VERY ashamed that Janklow would through himself into the middle of this situation even though he is breaching a huge conflict of intrest, for he grew in Flandreau. You would really say it is a conflict of intrest when his own mother has had (this year) a Wiese and a Sutton sign in her lawn.

It is a problem that Janklow has thrown himself in this situation and made this an official 3 - ring circus. My only hopes can rely on the man upstairs to be able to sort out this situation in his own ways.

In all of my years, I have never ever seen a situation that has as many major political ploys in it than this one, but in the end it will all be sorted out and Senator Sutton will come innocent, and Janklow can give all of the speeches that he wants, because if Senator Sutton is found guilty, it will not be on evidence, because if it was that, then Sutton would have been convicted 8 months ago when this whole situation came out to our Attorney General. If Sutton is convicted, it will only be because Janklow will use some of his political pull, to get things to fall his way, because all of those close to the situation(including Wiese's own family) think that Sutton is innocent.

It is a SHAME that this situation has been drug on this long, and that it has after 8 months of investigations, had to come down to the day of Sutton's election that Jaklow will represent Wiese.
Anonymous said…
You all seem to forget that Bill is representing the alleged victim in this sad episode. He will be there to make sure that the young man is treated with dignity and fairness. He is not there to prosecute Sutton nor is he there to defend Sutton. I'm sure he will represent his client to the best of his abilities, which are formidable. Wellcome back Bill, we missed ya!!!!
Anonymous said…
I am glad that ur happy that Janklow is back, because where I live we have a corner named for him and Janklow's corner isn't one he ceremoniously got. I know he was found innocent and that you people will say that what I say makes me no better than a fart blow in the wind, but Janklow, KILLED a man. Period end amen he killed an actual living and breathing person and now he wants to use his political pull to vie for Wiese. But my biggest concern in this whole thing is that on the way tp Pierre he doesn't KILL anyone.

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