Awwww..... Herseth's Chief of Staff and his homepage.

Obviously this was done before they were married.


Anonymous said…
Wow PP. Not only unnecessary but smacks of cheapness. Nice job.
Anonymous said…
slow news day?
PP said…
Anonymous said…
Is this chief of staff the guy who advised Herseth to vote to probibit gay from marrying, to curtail our liberties, and "stay the course" in a senseless war? if so, he should be fired
Anonymous said…
"Slow news day" - that is because most of the member of the State House are in Phoenix AZ, at the ALEX conference.
Anonymous said…
Is this the guy who, along with Herseth, convinced the libs to refer HB1215? His mama must be sooo proud!
Anonymous said…
This really does go into the who gives a crap breaking news catagory.
Anonymous said…
A politician's staff's personal life shouldn't be fodder for a political web site...albeit one that uses Star Wars analogies to offer up what its author believes to be insightful political analysis.

Show some class and delete this post.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Andy. This one ought to go away.
Anonymous said…
Bad call pp.

Everyone deserves some level of privacy.
Anonymous said…
Come on, guys. This is the National Enquirer of SD blogs. This is what you get here.
Anonymous said…
PP is quick to publish things about people who are not in his camp, but when members of his own team do something lame or stupid there is a deafening silence from this blog.
Anonymous said…
PP, its ok that you printed just solidifies in our mind how thoroughly lame you are. Just in case we had all forgotten. Thanks, buddy!
Anonymous said…
i think it was jeff who did the "publishing", not pp. pp merely provided a link.
Anonymous said…
8:15 am - 9:57 am got it right. This must have been a difficult look in the mirror for you to criticize it so.
Anonymous said…
I for one don't understand why people want to "share" their personal lives on the Internet. It's a little hokey but no worse than the wife of this blog moderator writing a love note to him for all to see. :-)
Anonymous said…
I thought Republicans supported traditional marriage?
Anonymous said…
First you defend traditional marriage and then you poke fun at someone who has a traditional marriage.

But what really gets me is that you would allow someone to post a hateful note about the guy's mother.

You should be ashamed of yourself. If your mother knew that you posted this, she would be pretty disappointed.

If you have any of the virtues that you claim your political party has, you would delete this post immediately.
Anonymous said…
first you take what is obviously a several years old personal website intended for the planning/celebration of the wedding of a POLITICAL STAFF PERSON and then that slippery slope results in one of your idiot readers attacking this guy's mother.

you people wonder why no one takes you seriously. unbelievable. put down your Chewbacca action figures and grow up. say what you want about Joel Rosenthal, but the old guard knows when to say when. you idiots don't.
PP said…
Andy, et, al. -

Sorry. I disagree. I write about political staffers all the time. Because this is a website about South Dakota politics and if they didn't want to be in politics, they wouldn't work for a politician.

And what was negative about pointing it out? I just said "here it is"

It's not like I pulled up the 10 year class reunion note Andy's wife posted and made fun of it.

If it's posted out on the internet, it's out there for the world and God to see. If Congresswoman Herseth's chief of staff didn't want it out there to be viewed, he could either delete it, put a password on it, or not renew his URL when it came due.

The thing looks to have been sitting out there for over 3 years, so obviously they want people to read it.

And 9:29, there are plenty of times I write things about people in my camp. But it is my blog, so I get to pick, not you.

Have I been wrong on occasion? You bet, and I'm usually quick to print a correction. But in this case, I don't think anyone has been wronged.

I can't please everyone all the time, and I have absolutely no interest in trying. So, if you don't like it, you are free to change the channel.
PP said…
Okay, it's been an hour since I've looked at this, so here's a couple of clarifications....

Posting it was meant to be more of a recognition/commentary of Jeff's engagement/ newlywed bliss. It wasn't intended to be negative. If it was negative, I would have pulled selected parts out and mocked them.

If you are reading it as mocking, please type nasty notes to yourself, as opposed to me. I don't always try to be an a******, you know.

Secondly, the crack about his mom was inappropriate, and it's gone. Please refrain from that kind of stuff, as I will draw the line at family members who aren't incolved in politics.

They don't always get to choose whether or not their family member is or not.
Anonymous said…
Awwww..."PP" is taking his blog and going home.
Anonymous said…
Who is Thune dating these days other than DME?
Anonymous said…
6:17 - ethanol, medical and Bockorny; potentially the newest billionaire in America.
Anonymous said…
In response to 6:17, I'm so sick of hearing the liberals allege that John Thune is dating somebody. They cannot beat him on the issues, so they make wild charges that he was seen with somebody.

They're the same bunch of ass holes cry out for people to provide evidence that PBS has a liberal bias. How about we hold them to their standards....

Challenge: muster so much as a shred of evidence to support your claims? Otherwise, shut the F*@# up.
Anonymous said…
5:31, I'll take that as a you're not sure. BTW, assholes is one word.
Anonymous said…
Hmmm....Kelly already had two last names before marrying Jeff. She's going to need extra big checks.

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