Maybe there's two of them....

Well, there could be two Chris Hesla's from Pierre, couldn't there?

There could be the good Chris Hesla, executive director of the South Dakota Wildlife Federation, who leads "a group of concerned outdoor enthusiasts who cared about wildlife and were willing to do something about protecting the wildlife and the State’s natural resources."

And then there could be the bad one, who gets zinged in Magistrate Court in Winner for possessing unlawfully taken game.

If anyone sees the bad one, tell him that was a naughty thing to do.


Anonymous said…
chris is a good guy. hate to see him take this hit.
Anonymous said…
What a jerk!
PP said…
7:24, nobody is saying he isn't a good guy.

But come on.

If it's the same person, this is not the type of thing he wants to get caught doing in his position.
Anonymous said…
I think he is a gay loving baby killer!
Anonymous said…
Ah, that brock comment doesn't sound like the brock I know. Is it just someone using his name?

Either it's said as a joke, or it probably isn't brock.
Anonymous said…
The Chris Hesla I know is so large he looks like two people.
Anonymous said…
A fine example for his hunting friends, don't you think? Looks like he has more in common with John Cooper and Eric Washburn than we thought!
Brock said…
It wasn't me.
Anonymous said…
So pp, are you saying this is a really bad thing?
Anonymous said…
It would be like Jonathon Hoadley arrested for stalking a GIRL !
Anonymous said…
This is typical of these types. Hypocrits all the way. "Do as I say, not as I do." Or, regulation for you but not for me. The surprise is that he wasn't let off. Of course, the fine isn't too terrible. Probably a small fraction of what it would be for you or me...if we did that sort of thing...and got caught.
Anonymous said…
9:11, are you talking about Brock?
Anonymous said…
It would be like LexRex, I mean Rob Reiger, paying for his girlfriend's abortion. Or like the leader of the abortion movement having an abortion. Or kind of like the evangelical leader of over 3 million followers getting caught paying for a male hooker and a little bit of a meth problem.

Well, maybe not quite that bad.
Anonymous said…
You know, get over it. I was at the Governor's hunt, of all places, many years ago and, when a group of birds got up, I shot at a rooster and hit a hen. The C.O. with our group, laughed, kidded me mercilessly and then wrote me a ticket on the spot.

Who here at the College hasn't ever shot a hen, had a walleye a quarter inch outside the slot limit or miscounted their crappies?
Anonymous said…
The agenda and ideals of the South Dakota Wildlife Federation are very worthy. The staff is human and subject to errors. Chris is a great person who's done a respectable job sticking up for South Dakota's outdoor heritage of public hunting for regular folks, like us. End of story.

Stick a fork in this rant. It's done ... or a little over done.
Anonymous said…
Did he shoot a hen and keep it? Should have left it lie, dumbass.
Anonymous said…
10:42 is on the spot while 6:11 must have had a six-martini lunch or something. Chris probably shot the hen by accident and fessed up to it instead of hiding the hen and running. Even if it was an accident, it's still illegal to shot a hen pheasant.

I agree with 10:56; let this issue die now.
Anonymous said…
This is typical of the Big Voice for sportsman! Federation members, Raise his pay.
Anonymous said…
So PP,

If you and your GOP friends think what Chris did was so wrong, why don't you ask the GOP's rising star Jarrod what he thinks about the issue. I hear he has some experience with the issue.
Anonymous said…
For some reason people think he got caught shooting a hen pheasant. Typical of reporting to leave out the key elements. He shot a hen and upon dicovery, turned himself into the authorities knowin full well that he would take alot of critizism over it. I ask anyone of you if you would have done the same thing. Take a look in the mirror, would you have had the guts to do it??
sdhunter said…
I think he did a very honorable thing, I do not know many people who after shooting a hen by mistake in the field, would pick it up take it to town and find a GFP employee and turned himself in to authorities and get issued a ticket and for the same amount as anyone else. Geez not much of a conspiracy.....But a lot of people ready to condemn a person.
Good thing all of you are so pure and honest......

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