Quotes of the day
"I came this close to dying. It scared the bejeebers out of me."
- State Senator Gene Abdallah, in the Sioux Falls Argus Leader
"I'd like the body to appreciate that I've switched my position on this."
- State Senator Ed Olson
"You talk about faith? You just closed Faith School."
- State Senator Ryan Maher
"Sometimes legislators positions on issues are not accurately reflected on other sites or media pieces. Of course, the best bet is just to call me and ask how I voted and why."
- State Representative Kristi Noem (March 1 Legislative column)
- State Senator Gene Abdallah, in the Sioux Falls Argus Leader
"I'd like the body to appreciate that I've switched my position on this."
- State Senator Ed Olson
"You talk about faith? You just closed Faith School."
- State Senator Ryan Maher
"Sometimes legislators positions on issues are not accurately reflected on other sites or media pieces. Of course, the best bet is just to call me and ask how I voted and why."
- State Representative Kristi Noem (March 1 Legislative column)
"Because that's the best way I can tell you what I think you want to hear."
"Tee hee. Math is hard."
Was that the Malibu Kristi Noem, or the Stewardess Kristi Noem.