Is Fred Thompson going to be holding the conservative banner?
I was going to write this AM that I wanted to hear more about a Fred Thompson candidacy, but then I see that SDP beat me to the punch. Apparently we agree on the issue that we need a straight talking conservative.
Rudy? Bleaugh. I'm sure he's a nice man (Just ask one of his previous wives), but he's not for me. McCain hasn't tripped my trigger, either. Any of the other Republicans don't seem like they're coming out of the gate with enough "oomph" to successfully battle a Hillary or Obama.
I had toyed with the idea that Newt could be the standard bearer, but let's face it. He brings a lot of baggage. With a Thompson candidacy, we get conservative positions in a very publicly recognizeable candidate.
This one may bear watching.
Rudy? Bleaugh. I'm sure he's a nice man (Just ask one of his previous wives), but he's not for me. McCain hasn't tripped my trigger, either. Any of the other Republicans don't seem like they're coming out of the gate with enough "oomph" to successfully battle a Hillary or Obama.
I had toyed with the idea that Newt could be the standard bearer, but let's face it. He brings a lot of baggage. With a Thompson candidacy, we get conservative positions in a very publicly recognizeable candidate.
This one may bear watching.
The electorate likes Republican actors, but Fred Thompson is probably too smart. And 2008 should be a Democratic year since everything Bush has touched has turned to $%!t.
Someone has to carry the conservative banner. Fred Thompson or Mike Huckabee seem like the best choices to me.
This is a guy who divorced his first wife when she was in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery. He refused to pay child support or alimony for 12 years, even though he was ordered by multiple judges – in other words he was a deadbeat dad. He is a serial adulterer - both on his first marriage and his second. Smart money says it’s just a matter of time until he cheats on his third wife.
If you think that values voters will for a second give him a free pass, you are quite mistaken. I would rather vote for just about anyone – Rudy, McCain, Romney, Huckabee, or heck Obama, Edwards, or a random block of wood (not Hillary, I would write in the random bock of wood). The man is just flat bad for the party and would guarantee a Democratic victory.
To me Clinton and Obama hold the right values. Values that everyone should possess.
Is this the Fred Thompson who foams at the mouth over video games? Why would anyone vote for that deranged man?
Kerry was berated by the conservatives for being too 'intellectual'. Now the conservatives think Newt is too 'intellectual'. What do conservatives have against being smart? Why would you guys want dumbasses for your presidential candidates?
Fred Thompson could easily sit back, let the early candidates spend most of their money and chew each other up and then walk into the race with great name recognition and a convincing platform.
Looking at this Fred Thompson guy. I was thinking of a totally different person.
Out of all of the conservatives, I like Rudy. But I fear he will be too pandering to the right-wing social conservatives.
She does promote the liberal line of income redistribution, socialized medicine, higher taxes for more social programs. So I guess she would appeal to the far left libs.
Personally, I think Republicans are screwed this time around. You got nothin'. Giuliani is your best bet and I probably like him more than you do!
I think it's gonna be a sweet year! :)
Todd Epp
Senior Mixing Reality and TV Editor
S.D. Watch
or whatever the Law and Order noise is.
And yes, she has been caught in lies, but like Teflon, it slides off because the media won't touch her.