Herseth-Sandlin is coming to town
According to Tony Mangan over at KCCR Radio, Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin is coming to Pierre for a series of meetings:
Health care is one of the major themes for Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth Sandlin when she stops in Pierre tomorrow. Herseth-Sandlin will visit the Oahe Valley Rural Health Clinic in Fort Pierre to talk health care issues. Among the topics will be the re-authorization and possible expansion of the state Children’s Health Insurance program and physician reimbursement.Read it all here.
Herseth Sandlin also will speak at the Pierre Chamber of Commerce luncheon and she expects the Dakota Minnesota and Eastern Railroad issue to be a topic of discussion. The Congresswoman supports the proposed expansion, but says she has heard several individual concerns from South Dakotans, including many from Pierre.
is it proper to hyphenate the Sandlin-part, or is it improper to hyphenate the Sandlin part? The story does both.
And despite the minor difference, it seems to me that a hyphenated last name won't sell as well with South Dakotans.