3 TV Commercials from the No on Amendment E People

There are three new television commercials for the "No on Amendment E" campaign and you're seeing them here for the first time!

"Parole Board #2"

"Parole Board"

and "Empty Meetings" - This one is my favorite!


Anonymous said…
Those aired last week in the Sioux Falls area.
PP said…
ok, maybe for the second time. (Sorry, I hadn't seen them)
Anonymous said…
Shuold work disclaimers not SD compliant. shortest character 20 lines hi that's why uppercase

may have to rework
Anonymous said…
When is Allen Unruh going to come out with his commercial supporting Amendment E?
Anonymous said…
Even the Argus Leader said the radio commericals were dumb.

Can No On E get their money back?

fyi...the media bias is now documented on www.AmendmentE.com
Anonymous said…
Sounds like someone at Vote yes on Amendment E is a little biased.
Anonymous said…
Someone indulge me please (and no I'm not an E supporter) :

Is a parole board hearing judicial in nature? Is it not an executive function?
Anonymous said…
Sentencing has always been a judicial function. The amendment refers to "quasi-judicial" powers - this is an ill-defined term that is subject to broad interpretation.
Anonymous said…
Here's the deal, though. These ads are rediculously sensational. It's a turn off. It's a fear tactic.

It's contrived. But, it will probably scare old people.
Anonymous said…
I'm not even that old, and I just pooped myself
Anonymous said…
I am disappointed with the NO on E campaign. Most of their stuff is cheesy and overly dramatic. Why not give us some meat and potatoes information rather than the unshaven convict? Fortunately the JAIL nuts don't have enough money to mount a formidable campaign.
Anonymous said…
Better yet, why not just show footage of Bill Steigmaier or Ron Branson speaking about the issue?

That is a sure fire way to get people to vote against it.
Anonymous said…
These ads dramatize the truth. It's no coincidence that several ex-cons have sent in letters to the editor in support of this E-Lunacy. Gene Lodermeier? You kiddin' me? "hey Geno, since you got out, you seen your wife lately, you know , the one that went missing twenty years ago and still hasnt been found?"

(thanks argus for making sure the VOICES of such men have a place in our society.)

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