RC Weekly News: Schwiesow, Katus have Different views on 6
If that isn't the "duh" statement of the year, I don't know what is.

The Rapid City Weekly news is doing a series of articles on candidates. And in this one, reporter Lana Bradstream reports that Elli Schwiesow and Tom Katus might have have a few differences:

The race between Democrat Tom Katus and Republican Elli Schwiesow for the District 32 Senate seat is being closely watched across the state as a clue to the direction state politics is headed.

Schwiesow, 58, a politician, pro-life advocate and volunteer counselor at the Black Hills Crisis Pregnancy Center, is a wife, mother, grandmother and activist. This is Schwiesow’s second time running. She lost the a primary two years ago to state Sen. Stan Adelstein but beat him a rematch this June..


Schwiesow and Katus have a big difference other than their political affiliation. Schwiesow is an advocate for Referred Law 6 and Katus is opposed to it. “How can we draw businesses and scientists in with that law?” Katus asked.


Katus was in the state spotlight this summer when he offered to step aside if Adelstein would run in his place. Adelstein considered the offer and then chose to endorse Katus, who said he represents a “moderate majority” in the district and across the state.

Read it all here.


Anonymous said…
Another difference is Schwiesow's support for repealing video lottery.

People need to demand that she say what taxes she wants to raise to make up the $112 million/year from video lottery.
Anonymous said…
Schwiesow is also supporting Amendment D, the dumbest idea to come along in years.

Even Jerry Apa, one Napoli's biggest supporters (and one of the few that still supports him) said that "the property tax system is broken, but I don't think that Amendment D is the answer".
Anonymous said…
Elli will vote as she is told to vote. She is a follower who will simply vote the party line.
Anonymous said…
Hey geniuses, how can we NOT draw scientists and businesses in with that law? The more people we have the more employees and businesses we need, and the more kids to go to college to become scientists. Ellie looks really good next to this guy tomkat.
Bob Newland said…
I was playing poker with Jerry Apa not long ago, and he siad that anyone who votes against Amendment D is stupid.

While I don't believe I can go that far, I shall be voting for "D".
Anonymous said…

You crack me up--the "duh" is right as can be!
Anonymous said…
PP, I hope you'll make one of your weekend headlines, "This just in! Bob Newland endorses Amendment D....yet another reason to vote NO."
Anonymous said…
Who is this Stan guy?
Anonymous said…
Why should my assessments continue to rise when some guy comes in a buys property for 6.8 million next to mine. Let them pay the taxes on his purchase price. Nothing equal with the system we have now.
Anonymous said…
Amendment D is the next best thing to adelsten getting his butt whomped.Its only going to get better when Elli wins. Course all you bloggers know this you just can't admit it.
Anonymous said…
Let's see, seem's tomcat has already shown who he'll take his marching orders from....out-STAN-ding!!!
Anonymous said…
Still waiting for Ellie to unveil her plan for new taxes to replace video lottery.
Anonymous said…
Tom Katus---candidate extraordinaire!!! He'll get the job done!! Oh wait, there is someone in the wings....maybe he's not the "candidate extraordinaire". But wait again, he's back in. Just practicing his two step, I guess. And your dance partner is....?

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