Who are you? Who, who, who, who? (the Who)

There are a couple of committees out there this year who are somewhat secretive about their electoral efforts, to say the least.

It's kind of unusual, as most of the measures and committees have a dedicated team behind them promoting the effort. Even goofy Amendment E has a readily identifiable cast of characters.

Except for these two measures - Forward South Dakota, promoting a repeal of Video Lottery, and Citizens For Honest and Open Government who have two attack ads that they are running (want to run) against Governor Rounds.

Ironically, the "Citizens For Honest and Open Government" come off as anything but, as they're less than honest and rather secretive. I heard that the only person publicly listed on the measure, Dwight Hale of Huron, told one reporter who inquired that he had no idea who the other people involved were, and that he was just the treasurer.

Give me a break. You have SERIOUSLY got to be kidding me.

In their zeal to engage in attack politics, they're clearly trying to insulate themselves from a return volley by hiding. When I was asked, I offered my opinion on who I thought it was, and hopefully the reporter who inquired will have it tracked down so the light of the sun shines on it's principals.

"Forward South Dakota" is nearly as secretive, choosing to let Daniel Brendtro handle the media and act as sole spokesman. Which seems unusual for a Video Lottery repeal committee, as if I recall in the past these groups have been more open.

If you look at the website, they're pretty tight with who the people who comprise the group "Forward South Dakota" are, while at the same time they make note of who the video lottery machine owners are.

Forward SD also makes note of the legislators/candidates supporting their cause. In case you're curious, the supporters they list are:
District 1
Scott German, Republican (for House)

District 2
Jim Lorenz, Republican (for House)
Burt Elliot, Democrat (for House)

District 3
Ted Kneebone, Democrat (for House)
Al Novstrup, Republican (for House)
David Novstrup, Republican (for House)

District 4
Jim Peterson, Democrat (for Senate)

District 5
Dennis Arnold, Republican (for Senate)

District 6
Paul Nelson, Republican (for House)
Kristi Noem, Republican (for House)
Ron Foster, Democrat (for Senate)

District 7
Orville Smidt, Republican (for Senate)’

District 10
Roger Hunt, Republican (for House)

District 11
Keri Weems, Republican (for House)
Scott Bartlett, Constitution Party (for Senate)

District 12
Manny Steele (for House)
Hal Wick, Republican (for House)

District 14
William Scott, Constitution Party (for House)
Dave Knudson, Republican (for Senate)

District 15
Mary Glenski, Democrat (for House)
Tammy Weis, Republican (for Senate)

District 17
Donna Schafer, Republican (for House)

District 18
David Dickinson, Democrat (for House)

District 19
Gary Jerke, Republican (for House)
John Hauck, Republican (for Senate)

District 23
Wayne Schmidt, Independent (for Senate)
Jay Duenwald, Republican (for Senate)

District 25
Tim Rave, Republican (for House)
Greg Ammon, Republican (for House)

District 26A
Barry Jensen, Republican (for House)

District 27
Mark DeVries, Republican (for House)

District 28B
Betty Olson, Republican (for Senate)

District 29
Thomas Brunner, Republican (for House)
Larry Rhoden, Republican (for House)
Tim Harwood, Independent (for Senate)

District 32
Elli Schwiesow, Republican (for Senate)

District 33
Don Van Etten, Republican (for House)
Dennis Schmidt, Republican (for Senate)
You can read it for yourself here. But still, despite a list of supportive legislative candidates, we don't know who the committee "is."

Along with financial reporting reform, it's situations like these that also indicate a need for further reform in the area of PAC and Ballot measure information reporting.


Anonymous said…
PP, you say the group, Citizens for Honest and Open Government is "less than honest" but you don't cite any facts at all to support this claim. Where's the dishonesty?

You say they are secretive, but so is the list of people contributing to the governors club and attending the governor's hunt.

So secrecy is o.k. for the governor's supporters but not o.k. for his opponents?

What exactly are you trying to say? And what facts back it up?
Anonymous said…
So those are the candidates who favor an income tax?

Any candidate who wants to cut $112 million/year in revenue to the state better be talking about what programs they want to cut and what taxes they want to increase.
PP said…
Well, for starters the treasurer is saying he doesn't know who anyone else involved is.

Well, someone asked him to be treasurer, didn't they?

And to rebt your assertion, if you know what to look for the Gov's club list is out there on the Secretary of State's website.

(not that I'm going to tell you how to figure it out).
Anonymous said…
PP, you tell me. Did anyone ask Hale to be treasurer?
Anonymous said…
I think it's pretty easy to guess whos behind this.....Just ask yourself who has the most to gain by getting rid of video lottery?


This isn't about "the destruction of families" What a crock! Just ask yourself the question above.
Anonymous said…
So the 6 Democrats and 28 Republicans who want to get rid of video lottery are the "income tax coalition"?

Their opponents should be hammering the issue of how they would replace the money. I predict that none of them want to address that, and none of them have been addressing that.

What's Elli Schwiessow's plan for raising taxes to replace video lottery?

What taxes will Dennis Schmidt raise?
Angie said…
Hmm...the only person from District 18 (Yankton) supporting Forward South Dakota is dead. That's neat.
Anonymous said…
PP, why the cloak and dagger on the Gov Club? You saying there is a secret way to access the secret list?
PP said…
What Cloak and Dagger and secrecy?

It's no secret. It's always been reported out there with other contributions. You just need to know where to look and what to look for.

Am I going to tell you how? As if.

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