Heidepreim ad: Ok, but Holy God, a lot of airbrushing

I read the Argus Leader daily, or at least attempt to do so considering the mish-mash they've made of it. And I've been seeing the continuing series of Scott Heidepreim ads without paying too much attention to them. I think I've commented that they're good, but I'll be the first to note that some have been pretty schmaltzy.

And then a few days ago, I got this e-mail which made me pay a little more attention:
Every day I look at the "Scott Hydro-Perm" Argus ad. He's airbrushed THREE DECADES off that photo. Lots of us knew the guy in college, he was student body president. This photo looks like Scott when he was at USD.

I've seen the guy in recent times, his face is a road map of his 52 years. Its ok to be 52, But it seems phony to do that much alteration. Maybe its just me, but that's the photo of a twenty year old.
And you know, now that I look at the ad..

You can notice two distinctly different Heidepreim's just within the ad. One looks like he's in his late thirties, early 40's.

Aaaannd... In the poor quality grainy photo (the one with the senior citizen) you can see he looks considerably older. I'm looking at the "before" photo, and even with the lighting, you can tell this photo spent a long time in the editor's photoshop photo editing program. It's like he went and hired airbrushing professionals from Playboy magazine.

Now let it be said, I've photoshopped candidate photos myself... or in my case, paint shop pro'd them (cheaper software, you know) and I've typically done it to remove stray hairs, or a shadow that ruins an otherwise perfect photo.

But in this case, it's like it has been used as a fountain of youth to wipe the ravages of time away, and make this candidate look much younger.

Which brings up a good question - with modern digital photography tools, at what point does such photo editing go beyond simple error correction and into the realm of presenting a different image to the voters than that which exists?


Anonymous said…
You know, I'm not sure, but I think that democratic candidate for Governor may have an airbrusher and powder man on staff as well. Have you ever seen that guy in person?!! He looks like he's upwards of 100! Yet on TV and in pictures he looks 60.
Anonymous said…
I agree w/ 11:53. Compare Billion's photos! I'm sure we'll see a much stronger contrast.
Anonymous said…
Billion is 67 years old. Born on March 4, 1939 according to his website.
Anonymous said…
Don't you think Rounds does the same thing? Look at his newspaper ads and you see someone who looks younger than Brock Greenfield.

And is Rounds's hair really naturally black these days at age 52?
Anonymous said…
Heidepriem has also had brest implants

and spine removal surgery

i kid, i kid
Anonymous said…
Heidepriem is airbrushing a lot of his past out of his ads too...
Anonymous said…
so all those years that Heidepriem was the "conservative voice" on KELO-Land it was just all a big lie?
Anonymous said…
This Heidepriem-Kelly race in Sioux Falls is very important to the future of South Dakota politics. Everyone knows that Heidepriem's motivation has nothing to do with his district and everything to do with his future ambitions. That's why so many Democrats are working so hard for him and raising him TONS of money. They want Heidepriem to run for governor in 2010 or take out Thune in 2010. This entire race is about 2010. They assume Heidepriem would beat Brett Healy in the primary campaign to Democratic governor candidate and then he would beat Schoenbeck in the fall. The Democrats would really like to get the Governor's mansion back after 30 years! Others think that Heidepriem hates Pierre and so has no interest in running for governor. His real goal is to take down Senator Thune in 2010, which is why the former Daschle staffers are so supportive of his run. Don't know who wins all these future races, but the speculation will really begin after Heidepriem beats Kelly on election day.
Anonymous said…
If Schoenbeck wins for the Reps....they are all in trouble....lot better candidates out there on the Rep side....that are waiting in the wings.
I do agree Heidepreim doesnt give two SH*TS about this district it is only a stepping stone to get his name out.
Anonymous said…
Dick Kelly's not door-knocking from what I can tell, but he's having somebody leave coffee mugs with his logo on people's doorsteps (two mugs per house).

I'm not sure if this is legal, bacause coffee mugs cost probably a couple bucks each. Even so, I think people can see through this attempt to buy their votes.

The mugs make great clay pigeons though. After the election there should be a "Dick Kelly Shoot" to dispose of these mugs once and for all.
Anonymous said…
This is all correct about Heidepriem's big ambitions. He was born in Miller, so I think he could handle Pierre and his winning the governor's race is a lot easier than winning against Thune. He was born to run for public office and that is his dream so he'll find a spot.
Anonymous said…
Schoenbeck is hardly a shoo-in for the GOP nominatoin in 2010.
Anonymous said…
Thought this blog was about politics, not makeup. Try http://www.marykay.com.

Age = good. It's a Wisdom thing.

Presenting your candidates at their best = reasonable. Ever see the poster of Richard Nixon sitting on the crapper?

Cutting down good, committed, smart people because they look older than 20 years ago whether you agree with them or not = (you fill in the blank, here.)
Anonymous said…
Anon 11:30 - who said anything about cutting him down for looking older?

I think the post is about the fact he's trying to hide it like an aging cheerleader.

If I was to put it in your terms:

Vanity = downfall
Anonymous said…
schoenbeck for gov 2010 = Smoking legalized weed.
Anonymous said…
Schoenbeck is the next governor - just ask him! haha

Seriously, if you had to bet the farm on someone to be the next governor, who would it be? Jack Billion in 2006? Daugaard after Rounds is elected to the Senate in 2008? Or will Rounds hold office until 2010, leaving it as an open seat (Schoenbeck, Daugaard, Michels, Heidepreim, Healy, someone else)?
Anonymous said…
Holy God! Have you seen Dick Kelly's billboards? Massive airbrushing!
Anonymous said…
You can tell all the Repuglicans are scared to death of Heidepriem, who WILL be our next Governor...he's a progressive committed to women's rights!
Anonymous said…
Oh...you mean he's for abortion? Then he for sure does NOT have my vote.
Anonymous said…
For those of you who don't know, "progressive" is the word the Dems came up with after the American people overwhelmingly rejected "liberals" like McGovern, Mondale, and Dukakis.

But I would say in his defense, Heidepreim is not a "liberal" like those dinosaurs - I think he would be fairly described as a moderate, pragmatic, pro-business, pro-choice, trial attorney. I think that Scott would agree with that characterization. He is in a vein similar to Jim Abbott.
Anonymous said…
Jim Abbot.........didnt he lose too?????
Anonymous said…
Who knows who this guy is?? I remember when he was a raging Reagan Supporter in the 1980s!! He must have been pretending back then to get my vote in the Republican primary for Congress. When he lost, he took his marbles and went home and quite the Republican Party....now the desperate Democrats have picked him up on waivers and he is their new champion. He's a smart trial lawyer who does lots to drive up all our insurance rates so remember that everybody! And he loathes social conservatives and pro-life people and is a big Hildebrand guy. And he'll probably run for governor is my guess.
Anonymous said…
Abbott did lose too. That is important to remember about Heidepreim. And like Heidepreim, Abbott was the Democrat's "can't miss" candidate to take back the Gov's offce.
Anonymous said…
Whine, Whine, Whine Republicans....you know you are going to lose to Heidepriem and youre getting desperate! Heidepriem will bring strong progressive values to Pierre and vote against the radical anti-abortion people and he'll beat Thune in 2010---so what if he's close to Hilderbrand?? He knows how to win political races...now stop whinging
Anonymous said…
who's the whiner here? I think it's you, cry baby, cause your guy with the huge forehead is gonna lose!
Anonymous said…
I don't think you can take the Abbott/Rounds race seriously. Abbott did lose but it was not under normal circumstances. No one expected the Republican primary disaster where the 3rd choice candidate just had to keep his mouth shut and would end up winning.
Anonymous said…
Heidepriem's 52? I'm 52 and I remember him as as my brother's age, back when they were at the U together. Must be more of that "fuzzy" math. His bio says: Born: Miller, South Dakota, June 25, 1956
Anonymous said…
I can just see Scotty saying, "I didn't leave the GOP, they left me" when asked about it his waffling. He's always been a country clubber its just the D or R at the end of his name that changes out of convienence or is that conivence?

Lee is the man for 2010 and he can't be stopped. Scotty vs. Lee "Battle of the Trial Lawyers"

Their positions are probably not that far off. The only difference is Lee knows how to win elections and govern but, Scotty know hows to party in Hyanissport.
Anonymous said…
from Argus Leader, when Heidepriem was again thinking of running AS A REPUBLICAN


Some state Republicans also are unhappy with Pressler's return to South Dakota politics.

"I would like to see someone new," said Scott Heidepriem, Sioux Falls, a 1986 Republican congressional candidate. "The House is a training ground for future leaders, not a pasture for those who have done the circuit."

Yet, many observers predict that unless one of his opponents comes up with a clever message to generate interest or Janklow disrupts things, Pressler will be the Republican nominee. Heidepriem says Republicans fear they then will lose the November election.

The theory is that voters likely will opt for a new face over a career politician. Even Pressler acknowledges that this may be a year when the candidate with "the short resume" has a better chance. But he also argues that the Sept. 11 attacks may lead voters to candidates with experience.

Many mainstream South Dakota Republicans support Pressler.
Anonymous said…
Yeah Heidepreim has alot in common with all those farmers out there struggling to make it. The guy is an elitist like Abbott and knows how to hide it better than Jim.

I could see him campaigning in his rolled up monogramed shirts and gucci shoes in Kennebec.
Anonymous said…
how can he say "I didn't leave the GOP, they left me"??? he was a conservative Reagan Republican when I knew him running for Congress in 1986!!! it's the same party still....it's not like he was running as Rockefeller/Chaffee Republican or something. It really is all about his vanity
Anonymous said…
Heidepreim campaigning in Gucci's!

That must have been a kranz column going to Heidepreim for a comment about Pressler. The downtown sioux falls club never liked Pressler because he told them to stick it in the 80's when farmers had it bad and the downtown crowd wanted earmarks for this or that.
Anonymous said…
Lee is the man for 2010 and he can't be stopped.

Lee, stop posting Anon. Give me a break, there are plenty of names out there that can walk in a guarantee Lee has no chance.
Anonymous said…
Heidepriem is a text book case of latte liberal weeniehood...this is all about his ego and wanted to be elected to SOMETHING...he just needs to pick the right party and the right race and get elected to SOMETHING...he was always a prima donna in the Republican Party too...he'll fit in well with the prima donnas in the Democratic Party
Anonymous said…
Some people on this blog believe in the future Democratic conspiracy to take over certain offices. Don't forget Heideprim's law partner is Tim Johnson's son and he is planning to run for Congress when Stephanie runs for Senate, either taking Tim's spot or running against Thune (unlikely). So Heideprim needs to fit his ambitions into the plans of Princess Stephanie and Prince Brendan.
Anonymous said…
It took me all of 30 seconds to come up with a list of 12 Republicans who would be a better governor than Schoenbeck:
1. Dennis Daugaard
2. Matt Michels
3. Dusty Johnson
4. Larry Russell
5. Deb Peters
6. Chris Nelson
7. Matt Zabel
8. Rich Sattgast
9. Bob Sutton
10. Jim Seward
11. Mark Mickelson
12. Marty Jackley
Anonymous said…
Pumkin Eater - I like your list, especially the top two or three names. Daugaard and Michels are smart and well-respected across the board. Dusty is still young, but he is clearly the future.

I think Marty Jackley should take a turn as AG first - he is the obvious frontrunner. And Mark Mickelson can write his own ticket if he ever decides to get his feet wet.

The rest of the names are strong up-and-comers too.
Anonymous said…
Pumpkin Eater my crysal ball says the following:

1. Dennis Daugaard
Won't run for Gov. Has already ruled it out. Yeah, we all read the Kranz column but the inside scoop is that he just wanted his name mentioned and Kranz was more than willing to do it.
2. Matt Michels
Democrats will have a field day with the general counsel for the 2nd largest health care provider in the state. I need to see him in public more before I say anything else.
3. Dusty Johnson
Has wanted to be Gov. ever since his freshman year at USD. Will most likely ride out the PUC until he has an opening. Unless he wants to rotate through another Statewide office but why do that. It leads to the question of leadership though. When you are one of three people making decisions it leaves alot to question. Other factor involved here is if Republicans want to have a candidate that has his strings pulled by Joel Rosenthal. Not well liked by the up and coming GOP mafia.
4. Larry Russell
This guys is a rock star in the party and with the grassroots folks. Not too well liked with the Thune establishment types. There is some bad blood that goes beyond the voter registration issue. Some of that may be competitive fear and fencing in order to stave off a hot star so he doesn't burn all the 02 out of the room. Certainly a firebrand who is well liked by the Right wing base, i.e. convention delegates.
5. Deb Peters
Never. She's having a tough time with a legislative race. Also, she attached to Rosenthal and many folks don't want him anywhere near a position of power again.
6. Chris Nelson
You have to love this guy. Put him and Michels in a side by side and they kind of look the same don't they? What statewide office will he take next. Will he and Satgast change offices? Vern is on the way out and Rich will move to treasurer from auditor. Brings up an interesting question of who the next Sec of State could be. Chad Heinrich? He will have some competition and look for it to be from some rock stars in the sioux falls area who are chomping at the bit. As for Gov. he doesn't have the balls.
7. Matt Zabel
For better or worse Matt will be tied to the Thune folks and automatically will be a target for the Hildebrand mafia. It's hard to even see Matt going to Pierre. He's a DC critter anyway. Running for Gov takes a different kind of Republican. Gov folks have to deal with pesky legislators and keep the lights on and pay people. I think Thune Republicans are more interested in going to DC and fighting a clean battle of ideas more so than worrying about keeping the state open for business. Obviously he will have the full force and effect of the Thune mafia behind him when he jumps in. Anyone care to speculate on a Zabel/B. Johnson match up when Stephi runs for the Senate? What a great race former Chief of Staff and federal prosecutor vs. Johnson, a trial lawyer who has represented drug dealers and drunk drivers and raises the costs of your products by suing people for a living.
8. Rich Sattgast
Rich is the man! Which statewide will he run for next? Word is that Larson is on the way out for good and Rich will run for Treasurer in 2010. Rich loves Pierre and that takes a special person. Only about 12,000 to be exact. Rich will take the treasurer position ride out state government and take a lucrative job in the private sector after that. Will be a player behind the scenes for the GOP.
9. Bob Sutton
Will be permanent legislator.
10. Jim Seward
The next AG and a SA right now. He seconded Larry Long at the Convention and has to have that office in mind. Word is that he and another USD law alum are starting up a private practice. That will free up time to criss cross the state strong arming delegates and tying up the votes needed to win at convention. He is the conservative voice legally and politically in this state. War vet who did legal service stuff in Afghanistan will be a plus.
11. Mark Mickelson
The man! But after seeing those commercials on TV and seeing him in public speaking I am not impressed. He surely has the network, name and support but what about with regular folks who vote? He just didn't motivate me and wasn't that great of speaker. Is there anything bad you could say about him as a person though? A great guy with a fantastically politically moderate family name.
12. Marty Jackley
Took the US Attorney position in Sioux Falls and moved his wife and kids here from Rapid. Was a partner or associate at Gunderson Palmer, I think? Will only be the USA till Bush leaves office in 2 years. Surely would be hired by any law firm in Sioux Falls after this gig. However, did he move here lock stock and barrel in order to run for AG. Has never prosecuted as a States attorney. South Dakotans love their AG's to be SA's in the trenches before being AG. Besides the AG in this state has to have that prosecutorial experience that the US attorney's office does not provide. And has he run for office before? What about when people start asking him questions about stuff on the trail and he can only give general asnwers like: yeah throw him in jail, or yeah fry him. Anyone who has listened to Larry Long or Mark Barnett for an hour comes to understand that those guys could argue any legal issue on the spot without research notes. Say what you want about them politically but legally they are hands down the South Dakota criminal prosecution A team. Look for other AG candidates to come out of Sioux Falls, maybe Tom Wollman or how about Lance Russell if he doesn't take the Judgeship away from Fuller. Maybe one or two other stalking horses out there who don't run for victory but for political advantage elsewhere.

I want hear from other serious political insiders on this. What are your crystal balls saying?
Anonymous said…
Anon 10:53 - regarding #5 and speaking of rosenthal -

Aside from being Deb Peters' buddy, I see from his website he's getting on his knees and servicing Jarrod Johnson. Too bad Jarrod is taking his advice. He had so much potential, but hitched himself to "Mr. Personality."

Joel can raise some money, but his short game is shit.

Watch for Jarrod to lose a close race because Joel told him not to do TV at the same time Bryce is putting bucks into it.

The signs are great for the rural folks, but the big city people who have the votes want to see you on tv.
Anonymous said…

But this is also a tactical political situation. Rosenthal and statewide long term strategy are what many fear.

More accurately, many committed conservatives cannot forgive Rosenthal and Janklow for refusing to support Larry Pressler in 1996. Larry was on his back and they kicked dirt in Pressler's face.

That sin alone was unforgivable. The state party could have and should have rode to Pressler's rescue and instead they (Rosenthal and Janklow sat on their hands). That can never be forgiven or forgotten.

It all goes back to Janklow and his black book of grudges with Pressler while students at USD. However Rosenthal willingly went along for the ride. This move was finally the last straw which really fractured the party and it happened while Joel was chairman.

Don't get me wrong I disagree with him but I also think he is politically brilliant. It just that popular sentiment amongst the base wants to kick him out and those that attached themselves to him.
Anonymous said…
No matter how much Steve Hildebrand hopes for Heidepriem to be governor, it ain't going to happen...find your next sucker, Steve
Anonymous said…
you facist repuglicans will be outraged when it is Heidepriem/Giebink in the governor's mansion in 2010
Anonymous said…
I don't think Daugaard has ever said that he is not running. And as I recall, Kranz said that Daugaard DID NOT want to be included on the list. That could just be because he is running this year first.
Anonymous said…
Speaking of Jarrod Johnson.....if I guy works that hard to put up all those signs HIMSELF imagine what he could do in Pierre if he only worked 1/4 as hard.....He is a guy who will get things done, and work his tail off to do it.
Anonymous said…
Doesn't BLOG ETIQUETTE suggest that postings bear SOME RELEVANCE to the thread? In this case Scott Heidepriem's portrait photographer's use of a sofnet filter ... ?

Why don't we discuss Dick Kelly's Hair Hat? Or is that a muskrat squatting on his head?

According to pp, Dick's supposed to appear au naturale? Maybe with a star filter to catch the reflections off of his glistening pate? Perhaps he's got a Gorbachev Blister on his scalp ... ! You know, the Port Wine Stain birthmark thing?

Or am I out of line, here?

Give me a BREAK.
Anonymous said…
Do candidates discriminate age? youth vs midlife adult? Since it is the candidate, or their advisors, who are publishing the airbrushed pictures, this may be the case. However, I do regret for Dick Kelly his appearance on the billboards. His color is grey and unhealthy. The issues are still what matter most. Today I received 2 postcards bashing Scott Heidepriem. The content & pictures on the postcards are in poor taste & remind me of the stuff you see on cheap magazine covers at the grocery check-out. Before I received the postcards, I was an undecided voter. I've made my decision.

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