Billion August 2004 Letter to the Editor

Came across this tidbit recently from the Sioux Falls Argus Leader (8/11/04):So, society's problems are from divorce, self-indulgence, violence, inappropriate movies, filthy TV programming, and naughty clothing. And church leadership. And the Christian right.

This letter seems to contain quite a bit of church bashing from this future candidate. And a bit of Bush bashing from this candidate who needs a lot of Republican votes if he wants to lead a red state.


Anonymous said…
You know what the heck of it is though? Billion is right.

The GOP has become this narrow little tent in South Dakota....obsessed about gay marriage, abortion and sex education.

There is a real void for some leaders who will step forward and fight for some new about education, how about some health care, how about wages????

We are reaching a tipping point in South Dakota. The wool has been pulled over the eyes for a decade or so, but the hood is slowly being pulled back and people aren't going to like what they see.
Anonymous said…
So what was the amendment anyway? He never says. According to Billion there is absolutely nothing wrong with homosexuality, only with being a Christian. The reality is, if people are not hypocrites ,and keep their houses in order, and espouse moral Christian values, these other "problems" will take care of themselves.
Anonymous said…
This is from the guy that divorced his wife to marry his nurse? Probably wasn't any adultery there...
Anonymous said…
"obsessed about gay marriage, abortion and sex education"

That's funny - Gov. Rounds is not "obsessed about gay marriage, abortion and sex education." And last time I checked - he's a Republican! How many bills has Rounds sponsored since he became governor that deal with those topics? How often does he talk about them on the campaign trail or in his ads? Almost never. He is focused on issues that matter.
Anonymous said…
Hey 10:08, why don't you just log in as Donald Carr, the Democrat Party's Communications Director? You sound just like him.
Anonymous said…
I can just see Billion at home, late at night, his mouth frothing, as he writes this silly letter that never even says what it is talking about.

If Jack really wants to be governor, he should study up on the law. He says the proposed amendment is "unconstitutional at best." That doesn't make sense - an amendment, upon passage, becomes PART OF THE CONSTITUTION - it by definition cannot be unconstitutional.

Apparently a legal tidbit Jack didn't pick up from his divorce lawyer.
Anonymous said…
"There is a real void for some leaders who will step forward and fight for some new about education, how about some health care, how about wages"

Rounds has done significant things in all of these areas. Unlike certain other gubernatorial candidates, he understands that the state lives on limited means and he cannot just propose massive new programs - but he's taken smart, concrete steps in education, economic development, and health care. Without blowing the reserves or raiding the trust funds.

And don't talk about "growth of government." That growth is due to increasing research money at the colleges and health care costs going up. Wait and see how much the budget goes up with Jack at the controls - we'll need to find a new revenue stream before you can say "graduated income tax"
Dakota Voice said…
You know, the GOP wouldn't have to be "obsessed about gay marriage, abortion and sex education" if the Left wasn't so hell-bent on shoving that whole destructive agenda down the throats of Americans.

Typical liberalism: attack traditional institutions, and when good people try to defend them, blame the defenders for being divisive.
Anonymous said…
Bob Ellis raises a good point. It's like if your house is one fire. Jack Billion stands there, and instead of helping, says "Look at that silly man - he's obsessed with putting out the fire in his house."

(And Abrahamson is off to the side, talking and trying to sound smart, not realizing that no one is listening.
Anonymous said…
If this thread represents the thinking that motivates this state, what difference does it make who gets elected? Let's join that horde of young people who just can't wait to leave. A child shall lead us.
Anonymous said…
That's right PP, sic' em boy. So Billion isn't a big Bush fan and had the guts to call it like he sees it in 2004 without some watered down political rhetoric. Fine with me. All Rounds does is smile and fluff about how great things are in SD Two years after that letter GW's numbers are in the tank and information is surfacing about how he, Rove and others pander to the evangelicals publicly to rally a voting block then privately roll their eyes with disdain. They're being used to maintain power. 10:27 is simply a lie and should be deleted - not that I expect you'll do it. If you want to talk about a divorce it should be Rounds divorcing himself from reality.
Anonymous said…
How many of Billion's siblings have come out against him? Maybe he's right, though. If all our Presidents were cut out of the Clinton mold, things would be so much better off. All he did was spill his man juice on an intern's dress. Nothing wrong with that...but, oh, that damn Bush and his cronies.
Haggs said…
What's wrong with Bush-bashing? Out President sucks.
Anonymous said…
Billion is right. Look at all the time, money and effort that has been wasted so far in this state on gay marriage (that is already illegal in SD) and abortion.

Just think if we had used all of that time, money and effort to solve a real problem in South Dakota instead of pandering to a bunch of obsessed religious fanatics.

Most of my friends are Republicans, the average voter type not involved in the party. They are all so ticked off by this that they are voting straight Dem. The Republicans are alienating too many people with this religious agenda.
Anonymous said…
Regardless of your feelings toward Jack Billion (I am certainly not voting for him), gay marriage is not ruining society. Any argument suggesting otherwise is pretty much ridiculous.

Get over yourselves, Christian Right!
Anonymous said…
My GOD. LISTEN to you IDIOTS. Talking about peoples' human frailties -- which we ALL share -- instead of their capabilities as leaders and statespeople. Mr's Rounds and Billion are exemplary citizens. Neither of them are trying to Foley anybody.

Get a GRIP. And look at YOURSELF in a mirror.

I'm outa here ...
Anonymous said…
Gay marriage may not RUIN our society but all the stuff that the homosexuals would like to cram down our throats WILL ruin our society.

Have a look at the recent Advocate Magazines. They are all about three way "marriages" and "marriages" of three men and one woman.

Then there is the Manbla organization which the ACLU defends as a first ammendment right. The Man/Boy Love Association believes that all 12-15 year old boys should experience sex with an older man to see if it is what they REALLY like. Makes Foley and his emails look harmless.

ACLU also argued that child porn should be protected under the first ammendment.

Allowing homosexual marriage is the first domino which continues right down to sex with your dog and other depravity.

If those "folks" want to hang out together and satisfy their sexual urges--fine but don't extend the privledges of marriage to them and certainly require that children be raised in a healthier, safer environment.
Anonymous said…
I just finished watching Billion’s newest commercial. He is pictured pushing some sweet little kids in swings while he promotes killing babies and decries HB 1215 as being unconstitutional and un-American!!

Do you suppose he’s ever read the constitution? The part where we are guaranteed LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

What an idiot!!! Isn’t it interesting that he doesn’t mention how his brother stands on the abortion issue?

I only wish that Rounds had a mind of his own so I could vote for him. A friend of mine calls Rounds "Janklow Light", which pretty well describes him.

The Constitution Party guy is going to get my vote.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Steve Willis is the Constition party guy

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