Black and Kneebone are all aquiver - because the Novstrups are coming to town

Legislative candidates Tom Black and Ted Kneebone were on Keloland last night sputtering. Probably because they have to spend twice as much on name ID as their opponents, Legislative Father and Son candidates Al and David Novstrup:
The Democratic candidates for the two house seats in District 3 are doing what they can to make sure voters remember what they represent on election day.

Democratic House candidate Tom Black says, "It's trying to meet people one on one, listen to individuals, listen to what they want done in Pierre."

Democratic House candidate Ted Kneebone says, "My name is more memorable, I mean how can you forget Kneebone."

But Tom Black and Ted Kneebone are in a rare situation. They are running against two Republican candidates with the same last name. Al and David Novstrup are a father and son team hoping to win both seats.

District 3 Republican candidate David Novstrup says, "It's been a neat experience being able to run with my dad or campaign with him, I've learned a lot and if I have a question I'll go talk to him."

District 3 Republican incumbent Al Novstrup says, "Sometimes we'll run into each other when we're out campaigning which is interesting, but no we haven't coordinated the campaign."


David Novstrup says, "We have different perspectives, we grew up in different time periods, so we look at issues differently."


And while Kneebone and Black campaign to make their messages stand out from the Novstrups, the Novstrups are trying to make sure voters know that even though they're father and son, they're not necessarily in this race together.

Al Novstrup says, "Dave and I don't agree on everything, we agree on some of the big issues but there's plenty of issues that David has his own opinion."

David Novstrup, "I'm just another Republican campaigning and I just happen to have the same last name as my dad."

In the 1980's Dean and Deb Anderson were a father, daughter team who served in the legislature at the same time, but they did not serve in the same district.
Read it all here.

It looks like the Dems are trying to insinuate that the Novstrups live in the same household, which couldn't be further from the truth. They live across town from each other with their respective spouses.

And as noted, there is a precedent for it with the Andersons who each served in the legislature with distinction - Dean went on to serve in the Janklow Administration, and his Daughter Deb went on to Washington DC.


Anonymous said…
"...and the Kneebone's connected to the Bonehead..."
Anonymous said…
The big question is: Will people vote for 2 novstrups in 1 district?

I'd like to think people won't go for a family takeover of a district(by a family in either party), but we'll have to wait and see.

My prediction is that Tom Black beats Novstrup Jr.
Anonymous said…
I hope we vote for Tom Black? He does not own a home. Does he have a family? He got his job from his girlfriend. Does he even pay taxes in Brown County? I hope the people in District 3 send someone to Pierre that at least knows what it is like to pay property taxes.

We all don't have a girlfriend to pay our bills.
Anonymous said…
My hopes are that both father and son lose their respected elections. Al spends most of his time in Sioux Falls, not in district 3. I want my legislatures to be in touch with the common interest of its constituents. Al constantly boasts business owners and the hope business growth. Face it Al, the percentage of business owners is tiny. I want somebody in office not looking out for himself and his friends but for the honest working people.

David is a different story. He is 22 years old, and recently married (Congratulations). His recent legislative experience is Northern State University Student Senate. He doesn’t understand the complex system of the legislative world. Lets be honest, what have you learned since you were 22? Exactly my point. My advice to David is manage the mini-golf a few more years, grow up, and learn adulthood before you try to represent Aberdeen Adults.

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