Lawyers for Billion Event.

A campaign organized group "Lawyers for Billion" are having a fundraiser for their man, Jack Billion.

You'd think that list would be longer, wouldn't you?


Anonymous said…
I might be wrong, but I think those are just the ones co-hosting the event.
Anonymous said…
I thought Maryann Giebink already hit up all the attorneys for their money for her campaign?
Anonymous said…
well at least now I know all the attorneys I'll never hire.
Anonymous said…
After a sucide bomber rocked Tel Aviv killing at least 9 people on April 14, 2006 the reaction from a former Democratic Senator is unbelievable! Gateway Pundit related that Former Democratic Senator James George Abourezk speaks of “Freedom Fighters” and the “Evils of Zionism”!
The Former Democratic Senator says… “There is nothing left for them (Palestinians) to do except to commit acts of terrorism.”

He says this even after Hamas was elected into office, an organization which American refuses to deal with and is on their terrorist list. These people kill innocent people yet this guy backs them up?!

I wonder if he feels the same way about the terrorists who blew up the Trade Center? I mean they werent getting anywhere with our state department so did they have to resort to terrorism too?

This is the problem with some of the Democrats in this country, they decide to take the side of terrorists rather then the groups who can actually help prevent more terror attacks. If they continue on this course when a Democrat is elected president again it will only lead to the possible impending doom of our country.

Lets try and stand up for the people who agree with our policies of peace and individual freedoms and stop standing up for people who kill innocents.

Jack Billion is being supported by a guy who supports Palestinian Terrorists. Abourezk doesn't know the difference between real terrorists and those who suffer at the hands of evil doers.

We should all call on Jack Billion to renounce Abourezk and de-invite him. Because currently Billion is being supported by a guy who supports Palistinean Terrorists.
Anonymous said…
"that's why the voters canned him."

Annon 9:50 is an idiot. Abourezk never lost an election in SD.
Anonymous said…
9:37 you must be a Democrat. You talk about policies of peace and individual freedom. Obviously not talking about our GOP run country today.

If you haven't noticed, we're at war, and Bush has declared war on individual freedom - declaring that the executive branch can spy on anyone it wants, whenever it wants, without any oversight by the court system (e-mails, phone records, internet records) and can imprison anyone it wants - even American citizens without trial and without court oversight.

9:50, you can't dispute Abourezk's statement that Israel has grabbed land. In 1948 when Israel was formed, Arabs were chased out of their homes under threat of death, and never allowed to return - which is why they continue living in refugee camps today. Israel attacked Syria and Egypt in 1967 and seized the West Bank, Golan heights and Gaza Strip among other areas. This is also when Israel viciously attacked an American warship the USS Liberty and attempted to sink it.

There are many who believe that Israel could live in peace and security if it reverts to its pre-1967 border (before the land grab) and does justice to the Palestinians by allowing them their own autonomous state. This is the stated policy of the United States, the European Union, and the United Nations. Not just something Jim Abourezk made up.

There is an adage, you can't have peace without justice.
Anonymous said…
10:08 Abourezk did lose an election in SD. He lost his first election for attorney general in 1968. Two years later he was elected to congress in the first district representing the west part of the state. Two years after that he was elected to the Senate. He retired from the senate and never ran for office again.
Anonymous said…
I believe that should say "rabid" anti-semite, he's not real fast any more.
PP said…
9:50 - that's pretty out of line and borders on being libelous.

Please refrain from comments such as jew-hater and anti-semite.
Anonymous said…
It says underneath the list of lawyers "invite you...." That's a good indication that those people are the ones who are hosting the event and not the only lawyers who support Billion.

After all, there has to be more smart attorneys than that in our state!
Anonymous said…
Brandon, or whatever your name is, You are at the point where you believe you know everything.

With luck, you will someday come to realize how much knowledge is out there that you don't currently possess.
Anonymous said…
According to your logic, Brandon, when the Native American family comes and drags you out of your home and moves in, you will not protest because the Native Americans owned the land first and it is their right to reclaim your home even though your home wasn't there when the Native Americans possessed the land.

You will not fight back because to do so would make you a terrorist. You will just go quietly to your refugee camp.

Brandon, you say you like a good debate. But so far you have accused me of not doing my research. You have called me ignorant (twice) and stupid. Do you want a debate or just a name-calling match? You won't find the answer to that question on google.
Anonymous said…

what would you call somebody who wants to see jewish people blown up? It's not out of line to call someone a jew hater if they want to see them blown up. Abourezk acknowledges that, “There is nothing left for them (Palestinians) to do except to commit acts of terrorism.”

What if I said "there is nothing left to do but blow somebody up because I am frustrated with them." That would generally mean I hate them. Wanting to blow people up is to hate certainly is not to love them.

It's not libel if you are making a good faith argument based on an interpretation of someone's comments.
Anonymous said…
Interesting thread:

Read the South Dakota Supreme Court case of Janklow v. Viking Press. Janklow sued the publishing company because a book was written which claimed that Janklow raped a woman. This claim was based on reports from the reservation where it allegedly took place.

If Janklow can't get a court to agree with him when he's called a rapist Abourezk certainly wouldn't be able to get a court to agree with him based on his own statements that can be construed in the way which the opposing writer wrote them.

We don't even have to get to the merits of Abourezks statements to dismiss this thing.

Besides Abourezk has made many statements as a public official that fall in line with what the writer above reported.

Also interesting is that this forum is dedicated to political speech. Which is given high deference by the courts, and speech is not immune from the grasp of libel it certainly is given wide lattitude.

Libel, hardly...inflamatory certainly...true...well, it's been reported you decide.
Anonymous said…
Which brings us back, Brandon, to the 12:00 am comment.
Anonymous said…
So is Susan Heidepriem a Dem or Arep. I remeber a ad where she said as a life long Rep I am voting for Tom. Now she is co hosting a event for Billion. Their is nothing wrong with being a Dem so why not just say it?
Anonymous said…
Like many other moderates, Susan Heidepriem has now left the Republican Party.

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