Bruce Whalen runs new commercial... kind of

Bruce Whalen is running a new commercial. Kind of. It's new in that it includes a different person in the commerical scolding Stephanie Herseth over her oft repeated comments about being pro-choice and supported by NARAL, but it's almost identical to the first one.

The title of this commerical is "melissa," where it has a young woman talking about being proud to be from South Dakota, and pro-life.

Speaking of all of this, in an e-mail where Bruce's campaign announces this, they also provide links to the original audio (and a word trancript) of the call.

Listen to PPSD Audio File Read the PPSD Transcript

According to this campaign update, in what they note as the "Most shocking quote on the conference call:"
"I also wanted to acknowledge that Stephanie Herseth was one of the leaders who really encouraged this strategy of taking the abortion ban to the ballot. She believed in it early on and her chief of staff Jeff Navmin has been very, very active in helping to plan the strategy. So it's been a really important partnership," Said Sarah Stoesz, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Minnesota, South Dakota, and North Dakota.
Read it all here at the Bruce Whalen for Congress campaign website.

And I told you that he was going to come out swinging in the last week or so. How effective it will be at the ballot box remains to be seen. But it's quite clear that he's fighting for the seat until the end.


Anonymous said…
Why is Herseth's chief of staff busy planning a political campaign???? I thought she was bipartisan and focused on "real issues"???? Yeah, right, she's a complete phony liberal hack. This chief of staff of Herseth's, Navin, is a liberal who worked for Daschle for many years.
Anonymous said…
I think for an ad to have an impact, it needs to appear on more then just youtube.
Anonymous said…
I'm Bruce Whalen. I'm proud to be pro-life. I'm proud to be pro-family. I'm proud to be from South Dakota?

Other issues? What other issues?

Did I mention that I'm pro-life? Yes, I'm pro-life. I'm proud to be pro-life. And I'm proud to be from South Dakota. Oh yes, and I'm proud to be pro-life....
Anonymous said…
Kudos to Melissa for keeping a straight face while doing that ad. It looked like it was an effort for her to do that.
Anonymous said…
This will be the next big scandal in South Dakota--Herseth's chief of staff openly organizing political campaigns while on the public payroll! That is if the South Dakota media, who has a love affair with The Princess (especially Pete Harriman of the Argus), has the cajones to ask questions of her majesty.
Anonymous said…
I can see the Herseth staff is busy posting comments here this morning to deflect attention away from their obvious lapse in this case....
Anonymous said…
Why am I and the rest of the taxpayers paying for Jeff Navin to run political campaigns out of the Congresswoman's office?
Anonymous said…
who said this guy was organizing political campaigns "on the public payroll?

Are you all suggesting that I guy from south dakota can't work for issues he is involved with in his free time?

But hey, when its all you got, its all you got. Run with it guys, I'm sure it will be a very effective.
Anonymous said…
You guys are a riot. If you don't have anything going for your side, attack, attack, attack.

Princess Stephanie ... hmm, sounds like a major case of jealousy to me.
Anonymous said…
I just want her to spank me like the naughty political observer I am.
Anonymous said…
there goes PP again. Trying to administer mouth to mouth to a Whalen campaign that has been dead for at least 3 months.

No matter how many posts PP does for his advertiser, Whalen, he's not going to get over 30% of the vote.
Anonymous said…

oh, right, never, because they serve as Herseth's personal pr machine
Anonymous said…
Bruce Whalen will be heard from time and again. He will continue to bring his message of hope and good to Native American people, and common sense White South Dakotans because he is committed to family, life, less government interference and control. Remember Ms. Herseth, NARAL, Planned Parenthood, and all liberals will be up for election in two more years!
Anonymous said…
Did someone just say committed to "less government interference and control??" Maybe I can vote for him! I thought based on the campaign that he was part of the "let's control the women" faction.
Anonymous said…
I just got home from a Republican event in Clear Lake. Bruce was one of our guests. You could have heard a pin drop as he spoke to us passionately about his prolife, profamily campaign. He realizes the government's presence on the reservation is the reason for poverty and joblessness. He is a brave man and the Native American people deserve a man of his integrity to represent them and our whole state in DC. I am proud to say I'll cast my vote for Bruce on November 7.
Anonymous said…
Is Bruce Whalen pro-life?
Anonymous said…
I was in Clear Lake, too. Whalen is a tremendous, intelligent, passionate speaker. It's hard to believe he's the same guy that so many people trash on this blog. This is the first time I've met him in person, and I am very impressed. Maybe these other people have never actually met him or heard him, or maybe they just have a pre-determined bias against him because he's a pro-life Christian Republican Indian. (everything they're not)
Anonymous said…
Anon 1:30,
So if I don't vote for Bruce Whalen, does that make me an atheist, white, pro-choice, Democrat?
This attitude is what is wrong with the republican party.
Anonymous said…
We won't be seeing any more of Whalen. Please, all of you stop. The latest polls have P. Steph up by 30 pts. 30 POINTS!!!! This is going to rival the Moser mistake.

And, yes, he is prolife and last anon, if you don't vote for him some believe you are going to hell.
Anonymous said…
I also know Whalen and am very impressed with his "less government, more personal responsibity" stance. He's for lower taxes, smaller government, a strong national defense, and, yes, he's pro-life.

Small wonder liberals hate him? They're scared to death of a politician with Whalen's ideals.
Anonymous said…
8:26, please post on the results when Whalen doesn't touch 40%.
Anonymous said…
And people would vote for Stephanie because....? She's cute? Wouldn't a feminist hate that? Face it, she is an East coast liberal. She doesn't represent the core values of most South Dakotans. Hasn't lived here since she graduated from high school. She is just slippery like Dashle which will eventually catch up with her.
Anonymous said…
8:26 - Please. No one hates Whalen, and no one has a problem with his ideals.
The simple fact is that all the guy can talk about is that he is pro-life. Our state has many other issues that many people think are more important than the abortion ban.
Whalen has shown little knowledge of any other issues nor has he said or done anything to indicate that he would be an effective leader.
Whalen might be a nice man, but he's not leadership material - at least not at this point he isn't. If the Republican party wants this guy to get anywhere in politics, they had better start educating him on the real issues that face this state and this country.
Anonymous said…
Anon 1:06,
I agree. Nobody hates Whalen. He is just a one issue candidate. Over time, one issue candidates don't win.
Anonymous said…
I think Bruce is an excellent cadidate and very genuine. Those who trash him as the worst candidate ever have either never met him, never met any other cadidates, or are just plain lying because they hate his politics. The probable reason you don't know anything more about him is that the Main Stream Media hasn't told you anything else. He loves his people and is a leader among them ,and that's why he stays on the Reservation.
Anonymous said…
Bruce Whalen is a nice person like Dale Bell, Jan Burkhout, Charlene Harr, Ron Schmidt.
Anonymous said…
Poor Melissa, I hope this commercial doesnt haunt her in the future when she is forever known as :
"You're the girl in the Whalen commercial, that pro-life native guy right? Didn't he lose by 30 point or something like that?
Anonymous said…
Bruce spoke in Clear Lake about why they have poverty on the Res. because the government is running everything. He wants more free enterprise. He really isn't a one issue candidate. He is very knowledgeable about native american issues. Congress needs a person with his strengths and depth.
Anonymous said…
I have known Bruce Whalen since 1977, when he moved from South Dakota to Salt Lake City, Utah with his family (Not his Father) he only moved back to SD a few years ago, he was not the wholesome "Family Issues" man he claims to be now, he was also not a religious rightwing republican, he drank, smoked and did drugs, I think the people of South Dakota dodged a bullet, by voting for someone else. and not a hypocrite.

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