Diana MIller and Jake Hanes on Public Television tonight

Diana Miller of No-on-E and Jake Hanes of the Amendment E crew go toe to toe at the public television debate tonight. Go watch the whole thing at SDPB.org as soon as it's posted.


Anonymous said…
If Diana Miller's against, I'm for it.
Anonymous said…
If Diana Miller is the best they can come up with, whoa baby, No WONDER they're nervous!
Anonymous said…
It's kinda weird.

Every time Diana Miller appears on TV my dog throws up.
Anonymous said…
I seldom agree with her, but Diana's right on this one.
Anonymous said…
I think Diana is great. It is very difficult to debate a complete moron like Jake Hanes. It is even harder to debate someone when they are not being truthful or tell only half the story.
The Amendment E supporters have changed their story over and over. If you want to give the criminals all the rights....vote yes on Amendment E.
Anonymous said…
Please note that Ms Miller spells Dianna with two 'n's. I am glad Dianna is using her skills and energy to chase after this goofy bunch. Has our beloved ballot initiative process been coopted by loons? I say vote no on E and then drive the proponents back to their secure compounds where black helicopters can maintain a secret vigil.
Anonymous said…
And aside from horrendous spelling, we're still waiting for an example of a case that could be taken in front of the JAIL jury...
Anonymous said…
Hmmm. Does MJB stand for Moron Just B****ing.

While I doubt this Moron Just B*****ing can read, (it does explain the use of initials), Moron Just B****ing can go to either websites, below:




That said, has Moron Just B****ing just awakened from a coma? Both websites have been up for a long time.

Which sparks another question.

If Moron Just B****ing can't read, Should a Moron Just B****ing be Allowed to vote?
Anonymous said…
And the jury rests.

Apparently Anonymous (whose real initials are likely MW) can't come up with a real example, so he resorts to namecalling.

And from what I read on www.southdakotagov.info long ago, the only thing it seems to be an example of is a decade long campaign of stalking. And if the judge did anything, he's been far too lenient on ths guy.

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