Just when I think I'm going to spend my bday working on computers, I get a call. In about 45 minutes, I'm hoping to have an exclusive first look for the readers on something at least 1 day if not 2 before the MSM gets ahold of it. Well worth putting repairs on hold!

Watch this spot!


Anonymous said…
Whatever happened to the expose on the RJC that you promised awhile ago? Or did I miss it?
PP said…
I haven't gotten around to writing it yet. I hope to get a chance before the election.
Anonymous said…
What about the lance russell candidate forum dodge? Is that coming too?
Anonymous said…
Good. I have a couple of theories about what your story may be based upon stuff I have heard. Will be interesting to see if they coincide.
Anonymous said…
here's my prediction on what the exclusive content will be:

POLITICAL STORM CLOUDS ARE GATHERING ON THE HORIZON. i can't tell you more but in a few days i will post a couple of sentences from a letter.
Anonymous said…
45 minutes ? time's up, dude..
Anonymous said…
What about the judicial races? Lance Russell is avoiding public appearances? We, taxpayers, are paying for kathleen trandahl to have outside judges doing her work? People need to be informed, PP.

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