Political Collectibles and Swag.
Nothing beats the Swag.

I was working my day job today, and had to make a trip over to the Capitol. While I was up there, I was handed something I had noticed before, but not paid much attention to. They're for my kids, but I might have to hang on to one or two of them for my collection.

Governor Rounds "Baseball cards." As a long time political collector, there is a certain coolness factor. There's a limited number of them, they're specific to South Dakota - another plus in my book - and nobody else out there is doing them.

Now if I was going to amp up the très cool factor, and do a SDWC version, I'd do them on all the politicians, and pack the back with alot more information - but most of it probably wouldn't be kid appropriate.

Regardless, this can go in my collection along with my unused Bush Aberdeen 2002 Presidential Visit Ticket. (Yeah, that visit.)

Speaking of campaign coolness, I was walking by something on my bedroom shelf that reminded me that nothing has "outcooled" the campaign swag we got for going to the 2004 GOP National Convention in NYC.

I think I had mentioned my road trip with a few other delegates once or twice. Fall River County States Atty Lance Russell, State Sen. Brock Greenfield, Myself and Representative Gordon Pederson all road tripped it in a 1993 Chrysler minivan while the rest of the South Dakota Delegation flew, and we joined up with one of Lance's brothers in Ohio.

A cross country road trip. It was aggravating. It was eventful. But most of all it was fun. From Departing from Sioux Falls, walking in the graveyard and among the monuments at Gettysburg, PA, to making an "Iron Man" no stop trip back to South Dakota, it was truly one of those experiences I'll never forget.

Especially the part where I was driving into a tunnel and lamenting "I can't see a damn thing!" To which the reply was "Then take off your sunglasses!" Yeah, I deserved that one. You tend to get a little punchy after the first 1500 miles.

Anyway.... back to the Convention Swag.

What was included in the Swag package? First and foremost in my book was a free Broadway Show. Bombay Dreams for the SD Delegation, although I should have taken the time and money to also go see Wicked or Mamma Mia. I hear stuff from those all the time on the Broadway Channel on my XM, and I kind of kick myself for not going to more than one.

In our tote we got books, magazines, coupons, film, a ribbon badge, 3 or 4 phone cards, a free subway pass, and a ton of stuff that I don't even remember at this point, because my kids ransacked most of my goodies, leaving me with the Guliani book, and a few of the political pins I'd bought.

But there was one thing on my shelf that was too cool to let them have, despite their pleading.

Kraft GOP Macaroni and Cheese. The Coolest Campaign Swag Ever.


Anonymous said…
Speaking of Brock Greenfield, he will be the Honored Guest at the January 6, 2005, Fall River County Republican Party Pre-Legislative Social. Gordo Pederson, Gordon Howie and Jim Lintz will also be present. The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. at Scotty's Steakhouse and Lounge on the Highway 18 Bypass in Hot Springs. Tickets are $5.00. If interested, RSVP to Lance Russell at 745-6871.
Anonymous said…
Wow, that sounds like a good time! Lot of open minds there.
PP said…
How is a prejudicial comment like that an indication of an open mind? It would appear to be the opposite.

And actually, it was a hoot.
Anonymous said…
Prejudicial, yes, but come on kettle (not you PP, the list of speakers in ever moderate Fall River County) the pot knows we all have our own prejudices. Mine just happens to be towards selfish, small minded, devisive, paranoid and self-proclaimed arbiters of rightousness.
Anonymous said…
The last event of the Fall River Democratic Party featured Sam Hurst, who's heart is still in California. The Fall River County GOP event features South Dakotans who actually represent the mainstream views of their constitutents. What's wrong with that?

Anonymous and Sam Hurst are open minded as long as you subscribe to their views which are apparently not are the views of the majority of South Dakotans or Americans.

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