Napoli on Adelstein
State Senator Bill Napoli provides his thoughts on State Senator Stan Adelstein in today's Rapid City Journal Letters to the Editor:
Too quiet..
DisrespectWhat ever happened to Bill's opponent, Alice McCoy? Is she running? Except for her supporters putting out the wrong literature, it's been strangely quiet.
Let's tell the truth! Not negative campaigning, but the truth! After 34 years of being involved in our state government, I've never seen such disrespect afforded by Adelstein to our Legislature.
One year he missed the entire first week. Intolerable for the vice-chair of the Appropriations Committee.
Adelstein did much posturing about the PBS issue and how he was going to restore the funds. Then he didn't even attend the last legislative day, citing he was out of town.
Adelstein was nearly removed while serving as vice-chair of Appropriations for lack of attendance, late for meetings, not showing up for sub-committee meetings. Adelstein uses his money trying to control the Senate caucus. Threatening our president pro-tem if he didn't get the committees he demanded. Adelstein threatened Sen. Schoenbeck that he'd make sure Schoenbeck's political future would be in doubt.
Since 2000, Adelstein sponsored dozens and dozens of bills, with a 95 percent failure rate, appearing to want headlines and not caring if the bills ever passed.
Adelstein continually attacks his colleagues for having the guts to disagree with his liberal agenda. All this can be checked out on the legislative Web site and daily legislative journals. This is the truth.
Rapid City
Too quiet..
Seth, shame on you for bringing out the dymo-labeler when someone doesn't walk in lock step.
PP, you aren't far, far right, you are just an ideologically centered republican.
Got news for the senator: that's how the game is played. If he really had been involved in state politics for 34 years (which is dubious at best, I spent 82 to 92 at the capitol in two administrations and never heard of the guy) he would know that in the days of Don Barnett et al. in leadership roles, that's how party loyalty (a thing sorely lacking in all the GOP legislators these days) was enforced.
Think it's an accident Thune vounteered for the Republican Senatorial Committee in D.C.? Money is power, always has been.
If you are not in lock step with the far right, why don't you come out and tell us who you support in the contested Republican primaries? Until then, my assertion that you are a radical in a moderate's clothing will stay where it is.
It's disingenuous. And it just shows how far you have to go.
Am I a conservative Republican? Absolutely. I sometimes support people more conservative than myself, and I also support people who might not have a world view as conservative as my own.
I base my support primarily on fiscal conservatism, but I also base it very strongly on personal character.
And that's personal character - not their religious view (as compared to my catholicism) or their moral views.
When I make the rubber hit the road and personally get involved in a campaign it's because I believe that person to be a good steward of government. I don't do it simply because of party.
In the past I've worked to get moderate legislators like Jan Nicolay and Mary Edelen elected, and in the past I've worked to get conservative legislators like Brock Greenfield elected as well.
For the last decade, almost exclusively I've worked to help young people be competitive in elective races. And I've espoused on many occasions that I think we need to encourage more young Republican women to run for office.
If that makes me a foot soldier for the far, far right, so be it.
Then why do you have such a beef with Kristi Noem?
To PP, seth didn't say you were pro-stan, he said you were anti-stan.