Am I callous if I think it sounds stupid?

At KSFY, it's being reported that the new owner of the old Governor's Mansion has put up a website asking people what he should do with it.
Governor's Mansion - A Rapid City dentist, Leon Brodie, plans to renovate the former governor's mansion, but he's not quite sure what it should be. So, he's set up a web site to take public suggestions until the end of the month.
According to the website:

The current owner , who has recently purchased the home, would like to know your thoughts on what should be done with the old governor's mansion.
One person with too much time on their hands noted:
"I think it should be a restaurant. It could be a theme restaurant and you could find out the favorite meals of all the past Governor's that lived in it and call those dish's but that Governor's name. Part of it could also be a bed and breakfast with each room dedicated to the past Governor's. "

Tally S.
Oh come on. It's a house. "Part of it could also be a bed and breakfast with each room dedicated to the past Governor's?" Yes, here you're walking through the leaky room under the upstairs bath. Right next to you, you see the shocking light fixture where Governor Janklow would nearly be electrocuted whenever he's try to turn on the light.

Compared to most modern houses, it's not that terribly big. Yes, it has historical consideration, but so do the two or three other houses in Pierre (not including the current one) that served as Governor's Residences.

Now we've got a web site for this one? Definitely time to go to bed.


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