Is Knudson the Kranz choice for Governor?

Over at the Argus Leader this Monday Morning, Dave Kranz spends some time gushing over Senate Majority Leader Dave Knudson, announcing that the 2007 Legislative Session was the "Knudson Session," and notes how Knudson's name is in the hunt for Governor:
When the 2007 South Dakota Legislature is gaveled to an end, it will seem clear that this was Sen. Dave Knudson's session.

Powered by his new role as Senate majority leader, Knudson guided the Republican agenda, offered the script for many of the major measures offered this year and, in the process, gave his party a new image.


One would think this Democrat-turned-Republican was in the middle of everything this session, while at the same time acting with a rational voice and low-key style.


It's no secret that he wants to be governor, competing in what is expected to be a herd of Republicans who want the nomination for that second floor office.

One of the spectators of the political process is Joel Rosenthal of Sioux Falls, former chairman of the state Republican Party.

"It is very clear in the 2007 Legislature on the issues of increased state aid to education, technical school governance, and property tax valuation reform that the Knudson Plan became the Republican Plan," Rosenthal said.

Being in the Legislature comes with rewards and also has risks of failures. In Knudson's case, he illustrated the importance of being in office – building a resume for the day he makes a decision about a bid to move up the ladder.
Read it all here.


Anonymous said…
Well, if Kranz is for Knudson, that should cost him a few votes. Hopefully.
Anonymous said…
Knudson would be an excellent governor. Smart, articulate, moderate.
Anonymous said…
He needs to get HB 1171 through the Senate or he's look like a failure.
Anonymous said…
the only Republican Kranz talks to is Joel Rosenthal, who constantly pushes his buddy Knudson, who was a Democrat until about 10 years ago...
Anonymous said…
I still say Matt Michels will be the best candidate for the Republicans. Go Matt!
Anonymous said…
The last two people that the most likely GOP primary voters would ever vote for is Knudson or anyone associated with Joel Rosenthal.

Knudson has lost points with the conservatives for not supporting the abortion ban or even going the extra few miles for it.

Further, he has alienated many members of the ag community for coming out with the wrong 150% bill that taxes unevenly.

Additionally, he shot himself in the foot trying to carry the water for Rounds with increased government spending.

There is a reason why people at Lincoln County GOP dinners roll their eyes when Rounds is speaking...his complete failure of leadership at building a party and caving in on most GOP principles.

Thus, the base is yearning for a viable conservative, even-keeled voice to run for Governor. That person is not Dave Knudson.

Lee Schoenbeck fires up the base, he has the balls to tell special interests no, and he is respected by all the right party activists.

Knudson and Michels do nothing to fire the troops up. Lee on the other hand is who the GOP base has been yearning for ever since Janklow left office.
Anonymous said…
Gosh, Lee, you couldn't have said it better yourself.

Ooo...was that you, Lee...
Anonymous said…
Here is a Republican that will not vote for Knudson. What good has he accomplished this session with the property tax issue. Nothing!
Anonymous said…
How did that abortion ban go? HAHA
Anonymous said…
Daugaard = gov
Michels = Lt. gov
Now that would be a winning questions asked.
Anonymous said…
Lee S will never be Gov. N E V E R.
Anonymous said…
Daugaard for Governor

Has a nice ring to it.

When Rounds runs for Congress in 08, Dennis will get to be an incumbant for the 2010 Governors race.
Anonymous said…
Rounds will never be Senator. N E V E R.
Anonymous said…
anon 3:50

Who is going to beat Rounds?

Name any Dems who have better name recognition.
Anonymous said…
I don't think we should assume that Rounds will run for anything in 2008 - I'd bet he stays as governor.

But Daugaard seems like the frontrunner and strongest candidate for 2010. A Daugaard/Michels ticket would be hard to beat.

As for Lee, posters on this board seems to claim he has a broad base of support, but I have trouble finding any "flesh and blood" supporters to back up the Internet hype.
Anonymous said…
Isn't Knudson pro-choice and anti-lottery? He's a sharp guy, but that seems like a tough sell to me.
Anonymous said…
Maybe some of you need to read the article again. Sounds like he worked well with the dems and the west river people on both sides.

Where is Lee these days anyways???
Anonymous said…
Lee is probably waiting in the wings with something that will be put out there to discredit Knudson. Doesn't even have to be legitimate...
Anonymous said…
I would and WILL vote for Matt M. for Governor. He is who many do support for Governor.
He knows how to get it done and is a speaker who can get the message across! He is not afraid to step up to the plate.
GO MAT!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Daugaard/Michels is two pair

Daugaard/Schoenbeck is a full house.

Daugaard/Dykstra is the Royal Flush.

I'm calling it...

Daugaard/Dykstra in 2010
Anonymous said…
anon 4:28 said:
"Who is going to beat Rounds?

Name any Dems who have better name recognition."

That's easy. Johnson, Daschle, and Herseth would all crush Marion.

The guy simply has no political talent whatsoever. That'll fly in a state-wide race. Heck, about 99% of our elected officials have no talent. But it won't work with a national office.

Rounds just isn't Senator material. He is insurance sales material who fell into the gov's office by dumb luck.
Anonymous said…
I disagree with Anon 8:59. I think Matt Michels is the trump card. If South Dakota is smart, they will make him governor and eliminate the term limits so he can stay forever.
Anonymous said…
I think the greatest ticket the GOP could see, would be Michels/Sattgast.
Anonymous said…
Good thing you people only get 1 vote!
Anonymous said…
to 8:59p
"Daugaard/Dykstra in 2010"

That will never happen imho.
I heard that Dykstra wants the house job???? Not sure about that either to be honest. I am not saying i am against it just not sure.

BUT Matt M. is our next Governor!
Anonymous said…
Dykstra, Sattgast, my god, stop it. I can't decide to laugh or feel ill. Rich is a decent guy at least but it will never happen. Joel is a snake and guess what anon, everyone knows it. No chance.

Knudson and someone else less known (lust?) from W. River will be the ticket.
Anonymous said…
Knudson is easily one of the most intelligent people in SD so he has no chance to be elected Governor. Dykstra, you have got to be kidding. Thanks for posting Joel.
Anonymous said…
Was that really Matt Michels posting and asking where is Schoenbeck now? Where is Matt Michels now??? Neither is in the legislature.
Anonymous said…
Matt Michels is back in Yankton. He is working for his law firm and watching his son finish high school. Matt Michels is someone we can all be proud of, whether Democrat or Republican, he is one of the good ones and we can hope and pray that he decides to run for Governor or Congress. He would serve us with dignity and intelligence.
Anonymous said…
I saw Lee at a luncheon last week, and Michels spoke at the Hughes Co. Lincoln Dinner two weeks ago. THat's where they are, staying in touch with people and getting ready to run in the primary.

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