
Bob Ellis over at the Dakota Voice had a column in the Rapid City Journal today where he noted that I've been talking about "the nanny state" that some legislators seem bound and determined to transform South Dakota into with regards to smoking in bars, tanning, and child seats until age 8.

Thanks Bob.


Anonymous said…
What a great idea. Put this freak on your site. Between him and that nut from Mitchel you are beginning to make me sick.
Anonymous said…

If you hadn't noticed, while he has his own biases PP tries to be somewhat courteous and gives props to anyone who mentions him.

Both R, D and "other" can be found in the column at the left.

That's more balance than you will find on the Democrat sites.
Anonymous said…
Any further words on the 'daddy state' you and Republicans love?
Anonymous said…
C'mon, show me an ACTUAL Republican site that is truly fair, that has GOOD things to say about Democrats. That doesn't drink the special Cheney Kool-Aid.

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