Maybe it's because I don't keep tabs on that scene, but is that the first?

Todd Epp over at SD Watch had noted there was a new South Dakota related blog, THEGLBTNETWORK.COM that I went over to review for possible inclusion in my RSS feeds on the left hand side of the page.

I didn't note any RSS feed to capture, but I did catch this little item that caused me to raise an eyebrow:
Also some good news from the UCC in Vermillion, SD: Their congregation voted overwhelmingly to allow their minister to perform same sex commitment ceremonies in their church. Congrats UCC! (But, won't it be nice when we can take our ceremonies for granted!)
Read that here. Maybe it's because I don't keep tabs on that scene, but I hadn't heard of same-sex committment ceremonies having been held in South Dakota before and presided over by a church minister. Is that the first chuch in the state that performs them?

And if so, what kind of official recognition does the UCC church confer upon the couple?


Anonymous said…
I am sure Sen Nesselhuf would know... as he is from Vermillion.
Anonymous said…
GLBT=Gay,Lesbian,Bi-sexual, and Transgendered.They are a sick bunch. Who cares what they do or think?
Anonymous said…
Commitment ceremonies have been done for a long time. They don't hold any legal standing. I remember one back in the 90's but I can't remember who officiated. So this has happened in South Dakota before and heterosexual marriage did not fall apart then either.

I find the previous anon comment interesting. Good point, since who cares what they do or think then letting them live their lives as they choose might be a good idea? Instead of trying to prevent them from doing so?

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