Public Utilities Pandemonium

A formerly solid seat opens up and the candidates start coming out of the woodwork.

With Commissioner Bob Sahr having withdrawn from the race, the field of candidates seems to expanding like a colony of bacteria - doubling every day.

On the Republican Side, State Senator John Koskan is the early bird who has gotten his name out there, but State Representative Deb Peters is nipping at his heels. I've also heard that there's yet another State Representative on the Republican side who is starting to conduct a fishing expedition inquiring about the office, and I'm sure there will be more to come.

On the Democrat side, The Argus Leader is reporting that former State Representative Mark Rogen is going to give it a shot now that the seat is open, despite the fact that Steve Kolbeck had been out there for months now gearing up for a campaign. It will be interesting to see if Dems pick the Johnny-come-lately or the one who was ready for the long haul of a protracted campaign.

And I'm sure there will be more movement in the next couple of days. Stay tuned as I hope to blog from the GOP convention itself - I even made a limited batch of t-shirts to bring with me. Watch for pictures!


Anonymous said…
"It will be interesting to see if Dems pick the Johnny-come-lately or the one who was ready for the long haul of a protracted campaign."

It would be interesting on the Republican side as well...

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