A plethora of PUC Candidates

Between what the Argus is reporting this morning, and what I heard last night, here's the latest of the field of PUC candidates looking/potentially looking at the office:
John Koskan
Shantel Krebs
Jeff Partridge
Tom Hackl

and Others...
Who is not running? Deb Peters. Me (unless I can lose 50 pounds tonight).

Watch for this to continue to be fluid. I'll try to have an update later.


Anonymous said…
Joel Dyksta? They finally figured out this guy is a ja*koff in the legislature, now he wants this? Please, say it ain't so. We don't need this unethical self-promoter holding state wide office. My vote is for Krebs that way Gary will have a tougher time trumping up/exploiting charges against her the way he did Bob Sahr.
Anonymous said…
You had to know that Krebs wasn't far behind. No one mentions Peters without Krebs being right there too and vice versa. Same way with Peters and the "CPA" tag. As if it was somehow a license to do anything more than prepare financial statements and tax returns...
Anonymous said…
Who'll run the shoe store is Krebs comes to Pierre...and, how will she get along w/Pam Bonrud?
Anonymous said…
Looking at the scrolling photos at the top of the page I caqn't help but notice the resemblance between Schwiessow and Krebs. Are they related, or did they just go through the same GOP cookie cutter machine? 361-ouch!!
Anonymous said…
Greenfield and Rounds look alot alike too, except Greenfield is about 5 axehandles wider. Get that boy a wideangle lens for his next photo.

Glutony is a deadly sin Greenfield. Your morals are on display for all to see.
Anonymous said…
When did Dykstra get thrown into the mix?
Anonymous said…
Dykstra's name was in the Argus today. Maybe Tim "Rat" Rounds can get the nomination. Can his brother just appoint him and bypass the election?
Anonymous said…
anon 4:52
actually it is "ratface" not "rat" it is a nickname thing their family does.
Anonymous said…
how long will it take for Gary to stab Dusty in the back too?
Anonymous said…
These attacks on Gary Hanson's character are getting old. If you don't know the facts - you should not judge.
Anonymous said…
Who is the person jabbing Gary H.? If he brought out the Sahr stuff he should be commended. He took the high rouad and turned the guy in BEFORE CONVENTION. Now we still have a shot. However slim it may be.
Anonymous said…
Who did in Munson? Gary Hanson. Connect the dots...
Anonymous said…
people without a spine for politics should get out of this race.

that office has a sioux falls rat infestation and needs to call the exterminator

lets get that rat out of the office before he infests the governor's mansion
Anonymous said…
what are you calling my main man a rat

i think he is really more of a marmot
Anonymous said…
tim rounds is nicknamed rat so let's keep the rodents straight--Rat Rounds is not the rat--he actually quite a nice guy--kinda more like a hamster
Anonymous said…
So much talk about rodents- I thought Pierre had a termite problem
Anonymous said…
Randy Frederick = spineless
Anonymous said…
I think these posts are the best I have seen in a long time. The time has come for the Gare Bear to go.
Anonymous said…
I think the only one that gets along with Pam Bonrud is her main man Gary. Otherwise she is a maneater.
Anonymous said…
It is hard to believe that the powers that be picked Kostcon to take over for Sahr. What in the hell were they thinking- all we need are a bunch of nukes in our state. Maybe we should get rid of schools all together they cost too much and just have a pray-in together. All the world needs is love.
Anonymous said…
Did I miss something? I thought Munson was still the mayor of Sioux Falls? And wasn't Munson the one that was trying to blame the mess that HE (Munson) made of things on Gary Hanson? Not the other way around.

And obviously someone needs to brush up on their recent PUC history. Pam Bonrud hasn't been there since sometime last fall.
Anonymous said…
How does Shantel's ability to wear a crown, push (prescription) drugs, and sell expensive shoes equal a qualified PUC candidate?

Shantel is poised and goal-oriented. However, I have never figured out what she really wants to accomplish once she gets the title ... I mean office.
PP said…
Various anons, I would confirm that "Rat" is his nickname. He has another brother nicknamed "Beaver."

It's a Rounds thing.
Anonymous said…
"Pam Bonrud hasn't been there since sometime last fall."

Yes, but the word out of the Argus is that the Anon letter and confirmation from Mr. Gary Hanson points to Pam Bonrud as the author. Pam left, is at NWestern or whatever they are called now, disliked Sahr, as did Gary H., picked her successor, who didn't get the job and still harbors a grudge as rumor has it Sahr ran her out of Pierre b/c she's basically incompetent...I could just be making all of this up but then that would be enough for a story to be run in SF wouldn't it.

And yes, Munson is still the mayor in SF but all know Gary busted his arse to leak and retell stories to bring him down so that he could ride in on his white horse and save SD's crown jewel. Scary and silly at the same time. Hell of a combination.
Anonymous said…
I guess I was wrong, but that is what his niece told me his nickname was when she was an intern........ go figure.
Anonymous said…
oops, I meant when she was a page....... my mistake
Anonymous said…
Anon 10:10 - can you please point me to the article from the Argus that says Pam Bonrud was the letter writer? I've not seen it.
Anonymous said…
It's just a story out of SF. Kranz knew he was getting played and only ran the story that there was a rumor. He had the letter. So did other reporters. The Letter had the details. Kranz ran it. Gary confirmed it. Gary knew about it. Dusty probably did too. Months ago in all instances if you beleive the "rumor" mill. Someone with a former office connection, with a connection to the confirmer was invovled. A to B to C.
Anonymous said…
Pam Bonrud has more self-respect than to get caught up in this mess. Why don’t you stop dragging her name through the mud as a diversion tactic and focus on the issue at hand? As Republicans, we should want to know if our candidates are being investigated for wrongdoing instead of speculating about who mysteriously “leaked” this to the press and the timing of it. If this investigation has merit, it goes beyond politics, and he should be held accountable for his actions just like everyone else.
Anonymous said…
"Pam Bonrud has more self-respect"

Gary, Dusty, you posting Anon now?

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