When reporters rule in the land of confusion

Dave Kranz reports in his column today on the confusion surrounding Public Utilities Commissioner Bob Sahr's re-election. Problem is, he's the one who created it:

They all identified themselves. Most were Republicans. Some were wondering what was going on. Others offered the version they heard. Some presented "absolute facts" about what was going on with Sahr. Yet no one really seemed to know for sure, and it quickly became difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Common was the belief that Sahr would not run for renomination at this week's Republican convention in Watertown. Others speculated that his resignation from the PUC was imminent.

Even though there were differing ideas about what supposedly brought Sahr to this situation, Sahr continues to dig in and stay in the race, even with news of a possible investigation.

About what is uncertain?

Sahr supporters immediately charged he was the target of an unfair blindside attack, subject of opportunism by people who wanted to see him out of the political picture. Republican doubters offered the "where-there-is-smoke-there-is-fire" defense for asking the questions.
Read it all here. Who are these multitudes of nameless people? And why, apparently, do they only talk to the Argus Leader, since the mystery letter went to literally every political reporter in the state.

So far, we've got Dave reporting on it, and he's the only one reporting on it. And a select few offering comment in response to his inquries. This is all on a story that no one else will touch because of the anonymous allegations. So far, we don't have an accuser, nor has anyone been named as a subject of investigation. But, according to Dave, there's a story there.

On that whole subject, we're getting down to the wire on the convention, and this is going to be what people are discussing once they get there. There's going to be talk - let's just hope it stays within the realm of proven reality and doesn't wander off into the realm of fantasyland.

I'd like to hear what the candidate (or candidates if John Koskan pulls the trigger as Kranz is reporting) have to say on this, but more importantly, I think the delegates want to hear sincerity and leadership, and truth.

Not a version of reality or knee-jerk responses as driven by the Argus Leader.


Anonymous said…
What did happen to the Bob Sahr ad on this website, PP?
Anonymous said…
Well now Bob has pulled out on innuendo and rumor. If this is what the republican party has come to, I'm headed to the court house to change my registration and I'll take a few people with me. The republican party is eating it's young at a rapid pace. To have to pull out of a race on those circumstances is deplorable.
Anonymous said…
This "allegation" that is now going to go away got rid of a good man. It was in all likehood false. Several high placed Republicans used this "allegation" and took advantage to basically knock Sahr out of the picture. Good for them. Problem is some of us know, more will, who they are and I can tell you none of them have futures beyond their current posts anyways. This is small town. Think Webster and Hayti...and Wood.
Anonymous said…
Hey folks! This is just the beginning, not the end. More details to follow. Does anyone remember Ken Stofferahn and his relationship with the Attorney General?
Anonymous said…
I am very sad and very embarassed to be a Republican in this state. The Democrats have got to be rolling in the aisles watching our party implode. To those responsible for this debacle, and we will soon know whom they are, I wish nothing but ill will.
Anonymous said…
Are you folks nuts - I have not heard anybody who sought to do ill to Bob Sahr. I have heard people say that it can't be ignored and left for the Dems to beat up the GOP in the fall on it. Bob will sort out his circumstances, whatever they are. But there's no conspiracy here - I wonder how many Dems that would haev been attacking our slate with this if it had been ignored, are the ones that now instead are using it ont hese posts to try and make hay in the other direction?
Anonymous said…
When are people going to come to the realization that Bob Sahr is the most likely person to have caused this whole thing?
Anonymous said…
I think to anyone in the "know" it's pretty obvious what has happened here. The anonymous letters came from Republicans and it was timed right before the convention. I guess this will leave the door open for "others" in 2010.
Anonymous said…
Yes, I would suspect that the anonymous letter came from Republicans, and was then used by others to push Bob S out probably without Bob S knowing. Gary and Dusty aren't abitious, are they???

How could he go into convention. If it isn't true story it is a fact that some high placed GOPs have already talked to most if not all delegates and I've been told at least 3 or 4 different things about what Bob S. was supposed to be involved in. All based on the anonymous letter. At that point, truth seems not to matter.

Anonymous said…
6:17 Anon, you might be half right but don't cast too wide a net. I've talked to Dusty and he is not happy with all of this.
Anonymous said…
I"ll look forward to Dusty's spirited defense of Bob. And please tell Dusty he can do that anytime now.....
Anonymous said…
Anon 6:40, don't believe what you were told. I understand Dusty was amongst the first to tell Bob about the "allegations" while at the same time telling him he needed to go. Spinning now. Don't trust someone under 30 that seems too ambitious for his own good.
Anonymous said…
Anon 7:59, that is not true. Bob Sahr is a friend of mine. Bob has also been one of my most vocal supporters, and I don't gain anything from his departure from the Commission.

In the last week, I have not been outspoken on this issue in the press because I simply don't know all of the facts. I think too many people have spoken to the press or to their neighbor without knowing the facts. I have tried to avoid contributing to that problem.

I'm not sure where you heard your version of events. I don't agree with them. I won't discuss the content of the conversations that Bob and I have had on this issue, but it is unfortunate that you are so ready to believe that my motives are impure simply because I am younger than 30. It is also unfortunate that so many people have seemed focused on causing pain, whether to Bob and his family, to others directly involved, or to those of us that are on the periphery. At times the facts have seemed unimportant to people simply because we don't have them all yet. Far better to rush to judgment and to blame everyone involved, I guess.
Anonymous said…
People love to kick you while you are down. No facts just rumors.

I think you three did more for the PUC in the last couple of years than in the last 20. Thank you for all you have done for SD. Take Care.

Dusty I think PP would be a great addition to your team.
Anonymous said…
Dusty, be careful who you align yourself with in this quest for political gain and future.

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