State GOP takes a poke at Tom Daschle

Hot off the Press - this release was issued late this morning by the South Dakota GOP:

PIERRE - As South Dakota comes under attack from an out-of-state politician aiming to derail a project that could generate a massive economic boom in the region and create thousands of jobs, Tom Daschle finds himself caught at the crossing.

Senator Mark Dayton of Minnesota has attacked a railroad expansion project benefiting South Dakota, the biggest building project in South Dakota history, on behalf of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Not only is Dayton standing in the way of a project that could have a massive economic impact in the region and create thousands of jobs, Dayton also insulted the
people, heritage and pride of the entire state of South Dakota. Dayton told Fortune magazine that "The railroad will enter Rochester over my dead body" and that "The Mayo Clinic is worth a hell of a lot more than the whole state of South Dakota."

This begs the question: Where does Dayton's close friend and recently-appointed Mayo Clinic Board Member Tom Daschle stand? The recent silence from Daschle's office has been deafening.

"Daschle should tell his friend Mark Dayton to put a sock in it," said Randy Frederick, Chairman of the South Dakota GOP. "Daschle should stand up for his state and condemn Dayton's insulting remarks," he added.

In addition to being friends with Mark Dayton, Daschle has also joined the board of the Mayo Clinic, the most powerful opponent to the railroad expansion. "It would be nice if Tom Daschle would stand up for his state instead of his buddies at the Mayo Clinic," Frederick said. "I'd like to know if Daschle thinks the Mayo Clinic is 'worth a hell of a lot more' than his home state of South Dakota like Senator Dayton has said," Frederick questioned.

"Daschle's chief political consultant also pays bloggers who constantly attack the railroad expansion project and Daschle should tell them to start helping South Dakota by supporting the biggest project in South Dakota history. Why Daschle stands silent while his close friends, business associates, and consultants constantly attack a project that is critical to the economic health of South Dakota I can't understand," said Frederick.
Hey, you paid bloggers. How does one go about jumping on that gravy train? I can't get anyone to pay me for coverage, so I'm stuck shilling for ads.

While I don't think this has the cross-border stature of the Perprich/Janklow war or words "back in the day" it is interesting to see this rivalry flare up again.


Anonymous said…
What office does Tom Daschle hold? Why does he have to answer to Randy Fredrick or any one else? Randy is an idiot who can’t get over the last election. Perhaps if we had the Senate democrat leader instead of a freshman republican DM&E would have an easier time. I think this says something about the strength of Stephanie Herseth. Instead of attacking her and trying to soften her up, he still goes after Tom. Old habits are hard to break. No wonder Joel R. thinks the democrats are doing a better job of press.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Tom! for letting your new boss the Mayo Clinic undermine the biggest project in SD history!
Anonymous said…
Wasn't the new railroad stalled for nearly a decade on Daschle's watch? And then Thune comes in the gets it done--the biggest initiative in SD history. And now Daschle is on the board of Mayo in his familiar role as obstructionist.
Anonymous said…
Aren't the Hildebrand-paid bloggers always whining about better jobs in South Dakota? So why are they constantly attacking the creation of the most amount of jobs in SD history???
Anonymous said…
Looks like Tom has some explaining to do. It's good thing Randy called him out. Now what will Daschle do? Stand up for SD or avoid answering his phone and think over how he'll spend his Mayo Clinic paycheck?
Anonymous said…
More sloganeering. Rabble. Rabble. Rabble.
Anonymous said…
I'd bet money that the majority of these comments were posted by the same person.
Anonymous said…
Randy Frederick needs to put a sock in it. He's trying to change the subject when John Thune has been caught in a serious quid pro quo. A lot more is going to be revealed as this story unravels and Frederick and Thune know it. Thus the pathetic attempt to change the subject.

As far as paid bloggers ... damn I wish that was the case. I'm for sale to anyone who wants to start sending checks my way.

As far as I know the only people who have been paid to blog in South Dakota were paid by John Thune and are now on taxpayer salaries. Ironic that Frederick would raise this subject.
Anonymous said…
I would add that Mark Dayton needs to put a sock in it as well if he is going to say stupid things that demean the entire state of South Dakota.
Anonymous said…
While I wasn't a Thune voter, I can't help but admit the he took charge and got this railroad deal done which will create 10,000 jobs for South Dakota. Daschle never did it, even though he kept telling me about all his "clout," which more and more seems like was wasted on bashing President Bush, who I did vote for. I can't believe Daschle and his minions can't just celebrate the fact that this project will be a huge benefit to our state. Instead, they just attack, bash, and smear. I'm sick of them. I voted for Daschle despite the hateful people who ran his campaign. They should be embarassed about opposing a project which will really help working folks in south dakota, but I don't think they have any shame. Apparently, Daschle is also willing to harm our state by going on the board of the Mayo Clinic, which is apparently the biggest opponent of the railroad.
Anonymous said…
So, Chad, how much does Hildebrand Consulting pay you? Theron, how much does Hildebrand Consulting pay you? Does one of you get a little extra Hildy Bonus for Best Thune Smear of the Week? How much does Daschle pay Hildebrand Consulting? How much does Mayo Clinic pay Daschle? You guys should just support the railroad and help your state for once.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous ...

No one is opposed to this project. Who has said they want this project to go away?

I want you to name names and show me where it was stated.

Nearly everyone in South Dakota wants this project for its economic development benefits, including myself.

But what I oppose is politicians who have to line their own pockets in the process by writing special legislation for a price. It's wrong. If you want to defend that, that's your choice.

I await someone here to show me who is opposed to this project. Please name names and show where anyone has stated this. Anonymous? Can you do this? Randy Frederick? Can you do this?

People reading this thread should watch and see how "anonymous" and Randy Frederick respond and see if they can back up their claims with facts.

They merely want to change the subject because they know John Thune is a facade of a politician who has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
Anonymous said…
This is all getting off the track a bit, so to speak. Ha. So all bs aside, what has been Daschle's position on DME? Does anyone know before everyone gets all worked up? Did Mayo know his position, whatever it is, before they hired him?
Anonymous said…
I read Chad everyday and while I don't agree with him very often I have to say I have never heard him slam the DM&E project. Sometimes his dislike for Thune makes it sound like he is against everything Thune is for and while i disagree he is passion about it.I too wonder about Daschle postion on the DM&E as why would he be put on the board if he was for something Mayo is against.
PP said…
"Off the Track a bit." HA! good one.
Anonymous said…
oldguy and others ...

has anyone ever thought for a second that Mayo is involved in about a million different things, including health care, a policy area where Daschle is extremely passionate? Does anyone really believe that Tom Daschle was asked to be on the board of Mayo Clinic to help stop the DM&E project? Seriously? It's ludicrous.

But most of all it's an attempt at distraction by the South Dakota GOP. They know John Thune has been caught cashing in an unusual way at both ends of a quid pro quo.

I have no doubt that Thune is passionate about bringing jobs to South Dakota. No doubt at all. But why in the world is he cashing in on it in such an unethical manner?

He's working very hard to get billions for a former lobbying client but he can't be counted on to help out needy South Dakotans with a hundred bucks or so to help meet record heating bills in the dead of winter. That tells me all I need to know about John Thune's "South Dakota" values.

Randy Frederick, John Thune, and the GOP will always flash the word "Daschle" whenever they find themselves in hot water. It's a tired act with no substance.

Look at the facts people.

John Thune took hundreds of thousands of dollars and then passed special legislation to help that client. That's wrong. End of story.
Anonymous said…
You can’t blame Randy. He is just taking a page out of the national GOP playbook. When you get your hand caught in the cookie jar, when you’ve been a total failure, when all else fails, blame Clinton.
Douglas said…
10,000 jobs? One of my dear departed uncles worked as a Great Northern section forman and track inspector. Didn't seem to me that required a whole lot of people for more than a few miles of track.

Short-term construction jobs? Coal mining jobs in SD? Pollution control systems employees? Government investigators, tax agents?

Also seems to me John Thune sucked out a rather significant fund from a medical group for lobbying as well...but I guess not Mayo Clinic.

SD's value has greatly declined after the SD legislature pushed through the Rapist Rights Legislation. In the market place of ideas, that is a market sinker. SD down four fifths of total asset value or income in less than a week..Data from Minn Senator Dayton.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Correct if I'm wrong, but I think Mrs. Daschle been cashing big checks from lobbyists for years. And those checks didn't come from South Dakota companies which created SD jobs!
Anonymous said…
I get it now: Mayo Clinic pays Daschle; Daschle pays Hildy; Hildy pays Chad and Theron to bash the DME, undermining the biggest project in SD history...
Anonymous said…
Good for Frederick! He helped expose the left-wing cabal of Hildebrand Boys, who take many from national liberal interest groups to fund their attacks on good people in South Dakota. Let's hear it Chad--WHO GIVES HILDY THE MONEY TO PAY YOU??? It's time for some accountability. And stop attacking this railroad--I live in Huron and this project will save our town and we don't need smart-ass libs like you running it down. We need jobs here. Anyone who reads your website knows you constantly attack the project. Believe me, people in Huron know its the Daschle people who are trashing the railroad!
Anonymous said…
back to the actual subject at hand...if you look at "sd politics" is appears Daschle just said he's is for the DME, so maybe his paid bloggers/attackers will hush up now...since their Dear Leader has spoken
Anonymous said…
For the last time.

I'm not running down the project. No one is doing that. Please show me where anyone has run this project down. Everyone in the whole damn state wants it to happen. No one wants to "derail" it, so to speak.

Above I asked people to name names and give evidence, and I think it is abundantly clear to the readers of this thread that no one has come forward with that proof.

They want to distract from John Thune's blatant ethical problems. The man knows no boundaries when it comes to lining his own pockets in the process of doing the job he was elected to do.

Paid blogger? Give me a break. That's an old line that freaks like Steve Sibson and Thune staffers have been trying to sell without success for over almost a year.

No one pays me to blog. If I closed my blog down today, my employment wouldn't be affected one bit. The only bloggers who have been on anyone's payroll in the entire state of South Dakota are John Lauck and Jason Van Beek who were paid by John Thune and are curiously now on taxpayer salaries.

On the other hand, if anyone _wants_ to start paying me to blog ... drop me a line.

So until someone shows me where I've tried to run down this project, it's just a bunch of hot air coming from Randy Frederick and the Thune office who knows no game other than pathetic attempts to attack Tom Daschle.

Distract. Distract. Distract. That's all they know when they've been caught in one of their ethical problems.

Here are the facts:

The DM&E expansion is a great opportunity for South Dakota. But why should John Thune -- our elected representative be cashing in on it for himself?

That's the key question and it remains unanswered.
Anonymous said…
To make it clear what I'm asking for ...

Show me where I've run down this project. Quote it and give us a link.

Until that happens, this bullshit will remain just that. Bullshit.
Anonymous said…
And to the last anonymous:

No, I'm not going to "hush up" about John Thune's lack of ethics.

Never. It's going to be a rough six years for Johnny.
Anonymous said…
chad--how much are Hildy and Daschle paying you??? why won't you say???
Anonymous said…
Forget about your "I'm not paid to blog" dodge. HOW MUCH DOES HILDY PAY YOU? It's a very easy question. How much does Hildy take from national liberal interest groups to pay you so you have time to smear people? How does it feel in the morning to be a full-time paid hitman/smear expert? The "thune bloggers" as you call them were just reporting facts as I recall and those were facts Daschle didn't like. But your just a smearing machine and people are sick of this kind of politics. You lost, get on with your life. And stop bashing this project before you cost our state more jobs!!
Anonymous said…
this reminds me of when Daschle let his liberal buddies in the Senate filibuster the ethanol bill which cost us farmers alot...i'm not sure what daschle's position on this railroad is, but he's paying his former staffers to trash this railroad project and it is going to hurt us farmers...where the heck are johnson and herseth, can't they stand up to the attack dogs in their own party? everyone knows its the liberals and Daschle people bashing this's pathetic the herseth can't stand up for her state and tell off Dayton, but everyone expects Thune to carry the ball on the hard issues
Anonymous said…
Once again ...

Three more anonymous commentors but still no links to where anyone has bashed this project, worked against it, fought for its defeat, or attempted to derail it.

These anonymous commentors can't show you this because it doesn't exist.

They're merely lying to distract from the fact that John Thune has been caught selling his influence.

If you think I'm going to release my tax returns or anything like that, you are absolutely nuts. As has been stated above: No one pays me to blog. My blog has no bearing on my employment status anymore than Sibby's blog has a bearing on his employment status or anyone else out there.

I'm still looking for a link to statements that show anyone is fighting against this project.

Patiently waiting ...
Anonymous said…
How much is Hildy paying you for your services Chad?
Anonymous said…
From the Rapid City Journal in 12-05,
”HildebrandTewes Consulting — the "Tewes" is Paul Tewes, Hildebrand's partner — receives $2,000 a month from Daschle's campaign fund and another $4,000 a month from DASHPAC. Hildebrand, who manages both funds for Daschle, said the payments his firm receives were to maintain and manage the political action committee and to wrap things up from the campaign.”

You work for Hildebrand, do you not? Hildebrand is paid by Daschle. According to an interview in 10-05, Hildebrand-Tewes had three employees in Sioux Falls and two in Washington. Are you one of the three in Sioux Falls? If so, do your paid duties include blogging? This is a little more detailed request whether you are paid to blog or not.
Anonymous said…
I see the subject of this thread has completely changed.

But a response to noonie: No, blogging is not what I earn a salary for.

Also ... I still don't see anyone linking through to a statement of mine or anyone else's that says I am against the expansion of the DM&E line. Can anyone point this out or not?

Obviously these are just statements to distract from the fact that John Thune is a politician who cashes in from his elected position. This is a point that has not been refuted by Randy Frederick, the Thune office, or anyone commenting here.
Anonymous said…
I love the way these right-wing nut jobs put the blinders on whenever you ask them for a rational, reasonable argument. It's like arguing with a six year old that has ADHD.
Anonymous said…
Gee, I must have really ruffled Chad's (CCK)feathers. Now I am forbidden to access his blog! Anyone else have this problem?
Anonymous said…
When they say "thousands of jobs", just what KIND of jobs are they? Isn't that the real question? Are they good jobs or just more crappy jobs that will fill quotas of politicians who want to say that they've brought "more jobs" to South Dakota. Hmm...
Anonymous said…
Let's be clear. The people attacking the DME railroad project, the biggest project in South Dakota's history, are Daschle/Hildebrand's paid bloggers, "Clean Cut Kid" and "SD Progressive." Here's a list of some of their attacks on the project, which the national media has followed like lemmings. If they kill this project, people will know that it was the liberals in Daschle's little group that gave out the daggers!

Clean Cut Kid said:

1) DME sought to “line John Thune's pockets,” which “is morally wrong”: “Can anyone say quid pro quo?” (February 26, 2006)

2) Asks if “DME in business 125 years ago?” when discussing a House member in 1872 “influencing railroad legislation to benefit a company he worked for.” (February 21, 2006)

3) Quotes letter in Minnesota newspaper: “Republican Sen. John Thune (S.D.) managed to sneak a provision into a highway bill that will allow the Federal Railroad Administration to loan the DM&E $2.5 billion.” (January 20, 2006)

4) Criticizes the “cozy relationship that Senator Thune had with the DM&E” and “sleazy relationships.” (January 10, 2006)

5) “It's wrong when those who can afford to pay Thune $220,000.00 can cash in to the tune of $2.5 billion while the state is home to some of the poorest counties in the nation and the people who live there have to beg and plead to get help heating their homes in the dead of winter. Something is seriously wrong.” (January 7, 2006)

6) Called “sinister,” a matter of “corruption,” a “sweetheart deal,” and “morally wrong.” (January 6, 2006)

7) Called “corporate welfare” and “political payback.” (November 9, 2005)

SD Progressive Said:

1) Calls it a “sweetheart deal.” (February 09, 2006)
Calls it a “sweetheart deal.” (January 24, 2006)

3) Calls it a “quid pro quo.” (January 12, 2006)

4) Call it “political payback.” (November 09, 2005)

Clean Cut Kid links:

SD Progressive links:
Anonymous said…
Holy Cow! That's quite a list. I'd say Hildebrand's paid boys have certainly been bashing this great project for s. dakota...What do you have to say to that Chad? Will you say what you're paid to do or what?
PP said…
Good god, is this debate STILL raging?

Just like the energizer rabbit...
Anonymous said…
PP: can you please do more to follow the Hildebrand Boys? They are responsible for alot of smearing and attacks, you know. Now they attack this big railroad. Reminds me of when they were cheering when Ellsworth might close. Sad, sad people. Thanks PP for your work on this sight, which is really fun to read.
Anonymous said…
when will Hildebrand Boys Chad Schuldt and Theron McChezzney tell how much Hildebrand is paying them and for what??
Anonymous said…
stay on the Hildebrand Boys. hear they have something nasty up there sleeves.
Anonymous said…
PP--did you see Hildy personally attacked the Governor yesterday in an email which got posted on Blogmore? Please discuss. Isn't this kinda a weird far as sd political practice goes? PP, your fans want to see a PP/Hildy Blog Death Match with Napoli chairs flying around and stuff!
Anonymous said…
PP--we want to you take down Hildy in a blogger grudge match!!!

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