Cecelia Fire Thunder and the supremes

The Rapid City Journal is reporting today that ousted OST president Cecelia Fire Thunder is taking the issue of her impeachment and removal from office to the OST Tribal Supreme Court:

Battling for her day in tribal court, former Oglala Sioux Tribe president Cecelia Fire Thunder will take her case to the OST Supreme Court, she said Friday.

On the day that Fire Thunder, 59, had been scheduled to appear in tribal court to challenge her removal as president, she announced that her lawyers will file suit next week in the tribe’s Supreme Court.

“This is about constitutional violations, procedural violations and strengthening our tribal courts,” said Fire Thunder, who believes that she is being denied due process in the lower court.

When tribal judge Lisa Adams recused herself from Fire Thunder’s case on July 17, proceedings were delayed to allow the OST Council to appoint a new judge. A new judge and court date has yet to be assigned, and Fire Thunder believes the delay has been too long.

“We’re aware that this is a stall tactic,” Fire Thunder said.

Valeria Apple, OST court administrator, said that a judge and hearing date had not been assigned as of Friday, but it might happen soon.

Read it all here. And for some more background on the whole issue, I'd recommend you read this column by Jodi Rave also in Saturday's RCJ:
But Fire Thunder was apparently out of sync with many Lakota.

When her proposal made national headlines, the OST president hit a brick wall at home. Many Lakota believe a child's spirit chooses its parents. Babies are considered "wakan yeja," or holy children.

Criticism came hard and fast.

Fire Thunder started to backtrack. She then said she had a right to free speech as a private citizen. But the argument appeared weak since people had been asked to send donations for a Planned Parenthood clinic to: Oglala Sioux Tribe, ATTN: President Fire Thunder.
Read all of it here.


Anonymous said…
Cecilia, you're breakin' my heart....cuz just like little Willie, Willie you won't go home.
Anonymous said…
Poor Cecelia. The abuse she has to suffer just because she wants to abort Indian babies on the rez. Hasn't the tribal council any compassion for the poor baby killer?
Anonymous said…
It is too bad that the Tribe and the Judge isn't more concerned with the rape of the mother or the rape or incest of a child. No wonder we still are called savages by the white community.

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