Billion here today, US Secretary of Ag Tomorrow

The Pierre/Ft. Pierre area is hosting a couple of dignitaries in the next couple of days, according to Tony Mangan at KCCR News/
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jack Billion is in Fort Pierre today (Monday).

The Sioux Falls physician will hold a public forum on agriculture and rural development. Billion has been holding similar meetings statewide.

The meeting starts at 5 p.m. in the Fort Pierre Senior Citizens Center. The public is invited to attend.


US Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns will be in the Pierre-Fort Pierre area tomorrow (Tuesday) to get a first-hand look at the drought conditions.

Governor Mike Rounds, in a press release this mroning, says Johanns will tour the Don and Lura Kirkpatrick ranch near Hayes in Western South Dakota.

Earlier this month, Senator Tim Johnson told ranchers and farmers in Fort Pierre that he had invited Johanns to South Dakota.

The Kirkpatrick ranch is located about 5 miles southeast of Hayes.

Rounds and Johanns will tour the ranch around 1:15 Central Daylight Time and then meet with media.
Read all about it here, and watch the website for reports and updates. If the stars align for me tonight, I might try to pop over to the Billion thing to watch and take a picture.


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