If you're a candidate that reads the blogs, I wouldn't do this.

Onan committed the sin of self love. And candidates loving themselves too much can get themselves into just as much trouble. From WCCO news:
A Post-Bulletin Web site user who calls himself "127179" has often commented about local issues and has praised the work of City Council member and mayoral candidate Pat Carr.

Turns out, the six-digit Web user is none other than Carr himself.

The newsroom doesn't regularly check identities of online users, but a reporter noticed similarities in the way "127179" writes and Carr talks.

Some of the dozens of messages posted from Carr's account since November found notes of praise for him, while some attack officials who voted differently than Carr.


Carr acknowledged Monday that he wrote all past comments except one, which was written by a friend visiting his office.

"If people want to trash me, I have the right to stand up and defend myself," he said. "I stand by what I said."
Read it all here.

I had a friend ask me the other day - do you think "XX" website would know it was me if I wrote a comment about someone? My response - "absolutely." As Mr. Carr found out - there's no quicker way to ge yourself into trouble than to plant false negative stories, and in this case, false praise. You just end up looking very petty and very silly.

Most of the blogs have statistics tracking and part of that includes IP address tracking. While I don't track all 4 IP numbers, if I needed to know, I could cough up for the $7 a month and get it if I felt like it.

So, as Mr. Carr found out, you're never as anonymous as you might think.


Anonymous said…
Oh my God, oh my God, I take back everything. Republicans are all just great. Really, I mean it. Even Naploi, he is sooo smart. Now watch your hits drop like a rock.
Publisher said…
To hide behind another name
I never could condone
If in my mouth you find a foot
You'll know it is my own

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