Video lottery ballot explanation determined

Judge Gors must be getting sick of ballot initiatives lately. Because he's certainly deciding the fate of many of their explanations. Tonight, the decision is out on the Video lottery measure:
A circuit judge has ordered Attorney General Larry Long to make a change in
the language that will appear on South Dakota ballots to explain a measure that
would repeal the video lottery.

The attorney general’s explanation can continue to tell voters that
repeal of video gambling would cost the state $112 million in revenue, but
language should be added to explain that the loss would be equal to 11 percent
of the state general fund budget, Circuit Judge Max Gors ruled.

Long’s office said the judge’s ruling will not be appealed because ballots
must be printed soon. Secretary of State Chris Nelson has said the ballot
language must be finalized by Friday in order to give soldiers stationed
overseas a chance to get ballots and return them by the Nov. 7 general

A lawyer for sponsors of the measure said they also will not appeal Gors’
decision. Even though the judge’s ruling did not provide sponsors with the exact
change they sought, the new language will help put the potential revenue loss in
perspective, said Matthew Tobin of Sioux Falls, a lawyer representing video
lottery opponents

Read it all here in the Rapid City Journal.


Anonymous said…
What? Long slapped by the court again? This is like a broken record. The courts give the AG a lot of latitude, but Long just can't resist shilling for one side in his ballot explanations.

How about a little "fair and balanced" you hack?
Anonymous said…
Rounds' take: "working together, we can get fair and balanced ballot wording"
Anonymous said…
I said Amen!
Let me hear it!
The Ag loves to waste our time and tax $

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