Dems announce Billion fundraiser in Huron

From my e-mail box tonight, the Dems are announcing a Fundraiser for Billion over in Huron on the 2nd:
Please Join the South Dakota Democratic Party for Breakfast & Billion

A Billion for Governor Rally
On Saturday, September 2nd at 8:30 A.M.
At the Crossroads Hotel and Convention Center
100 4th St SW, Huron, SD
(605) 352-3204

Donation includes breakfast and a BACK JACK mug
Please make checks to SDDP
We hope that you are able to join us and then stay at the State Fair for the Billion/Rounds scheduled debate at noon.
This doesn't do anything for me, but it might be enticing to the Dems. So, here it is for our Democratic Readers.


Anonymous said…
After tonight's news on the Governor staying Page's execution and Billion's aforementioned "ambivalence" on the issue, I've made up my mind. I'm voting for Steve Willis for Governor.
Anonymous said…
What you talkin' about?
Anonymous said…
I don't read Democrat/progressive/liberal blogs. Do they give the same generous coverage to Rounds? I'll bet not. They likely trash him.

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