Dick Kelly has a couple of new radio ads

Check out the new radio advertising from State Senator Dick Kelly in his re-election efforts.

The first one talks about how it would be goofy to have a change in the state senate.

The second? An endorsement by Governor Rounds for returning Kelly to Pierre.


Anonymous said…
The goofy ad is not very effective because the narrators sound like they're reading a script, and Dick himself sounds goofy. I don't think the "goofy" theme sells either because people see Scott Heidepriem as a serious candidate and serious person even if they disagree with him. I give this ad a D.

The Rounds commercial is better. It does what it's supposed to do. But I question whether it will change any minds. As just one part of the overall campaign plan though, it builds on Kelly's theme. If Rounds does this for only Kelly I give the ad an A. If he does the same thing for 5 other Sioux Falls Republican candidates, the value of its message gets diluted and I give it a C.
Anonymous said…
Rounds did an ad for Heineman as well. I don't know if he's done others.
Anonymous said…
The goofy ad only works if you think that Pierre has been really great. Defending the status quo when it is unpopular is never a good idea.
Anonymous said…
I think Dick is a good guy and he still might win because of his name ID and District 13 is a Republican district. He also has done a good job walking around with his coffee cups.

His "goofy" ad is goofy however. Why does he have a couple of college kids who sound like they just left the Crow Bar doing the voice-ins to the ad? Maybe he wants to connect with younger votes.

Rounds kind of sounds phony in his ad....going through the motions. He just needs to remember he is a salaried employee of the state and he was getting paid pretty good money that day for sitting in a studio and cutting ads for Kelly, Heineman, Earley and the rest of the foot soldiers in our great Republican party.
Anonymous said…
anon 6:30 - You're being too charitable. Kelly gets an F for this one. Radio spots made by amateurs make the candidate seem cheap (and not too smart for authorizing such a dumb thing). The script in this spot is okay, but spend a few bucks on the on-air talent to make it sound decent.

Pulling the Gov endorsement out tells me Kelly's really worried and feeling desperate. It was nice of Rounds to do it, but I don't think it helps the campaign.

And now that I've ripped him up ... good luck Dick. I hope you win!
Anonymous said…
The governor 3 weeks before the election? For 3 weeks? What could you do next? Start throwing old fruit and vegetables at the challenger?

Kelly's in trouble and he's showing it. 1215 and abstinance only educ doesn't sit well in 13. Out of touch.
Anonymous said…
Do we have Heidepriem's ad?

I was told it's on the cell phone tax...slickly produced but lacking substance.

Match that with Dick's thoughtful but rough around the edges spots and it sounds likes the candidates' ads kind of reflect them.
Anonymous said…
11:34 is right. Dick Kelly's "goofy" ad is as thoughtful as he is, and reflects him.

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