Mercer: State Senator told to resign

In this morning's Pierre Capitol Journal, (as well as probably several other daily newspapers around the state which I haven't seen yet, such as the Aberdeen American, Watertown and Black Hills Pioneer) the print copies are dropping a bomb which I've been talking about.

The Pierre Headline? "State Senator told to resign."

A few sentences from the article:
The South Dakota Legislature has it's own page scandal brewing.

The state Senate's highest-ranking member confirmed Tuesday that he had received a complaint from the father of a high school student involving allegations about another senator's behavior.

The alleged incidents took place over the course of several nights during the 2006 legislative session last winter, when the 18-year-old male student served as a Senate page.

The sutdent allegedly was in the company of the senator, without anyone else present, at the senator's motel room.

The senator in question has been sent a letter giving him the choice of resigning or facing a Senate special investigation that could lead to his expulsion.

"Now that allegations have been made, we have to take them seriously," (Sen. Garry) Moore said. "It's a he- said, he-said thing right now."
Go buy the print copy right now. It's a long article, and you won't find it on-line.

For those readers who have been grousing why I haven't opened up comments on the posts pertaining to the matter, maybe now you're getting the flavor of why I'm handling this thing with kid gloves, and turning off comments.

These are serious allegations involving an accused senator who has yet to be publicly identified, a legislative page who's father is alleging things, and a Senate investigation. Plus, according to Garry moore there seems to be a difference of opinion as to what occurred.

So, until more information is publicly disclosed, I will still be leaving comments shut down in this unusual instance. Please respect the process, and after a little more time has passed, I will provide an area for commentary on this matter.


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