SDPB Debates

Shame on me.

I missed the debates tonight, because I had to go out and do something as mundane as buying groceries. I'm also shopping for parts for my computer. After 4 years, I'm finally upgrading.

Anyway, I keep hearing that the Libertarian made quite a show, so I'll have to catch the replay on Sunday when I'm over in Brookings.

Speaking of debates, here's the rundown from the SDPB website:

Replay the Public Utilities Commission Debate

Replay the Attorneys General Debate

U.S. House
Candidates are Stephanie Herseth (D), Sioux Falls; Larry Rudebusch (Libertarian), Bruce; and Bruce Whalen (R), Pine Ridge.

TV: Tuesday, Oct. 17, 8 p.m. CT/ 7 MT
TV: Sunday, Oct. 22, 1 p.m. CT/ noon MT
Radio: Wednesday, Nov. 1, noon CT/ 11 a.m. MT

Candidates are Steven J. Willis (Constitution), Sioux Falls; Jack Billion (D), Sioux Falls; Tom Gerber (Libertarian), Sturgis; and Mike Rounds (R), Pierre.

TV: Thursday, Oct 19, 8 p.m. CT/ 7 MT
TV: Sunday, Oct. 22, 2 p.m. CT/ 1 MT
Radio: Thursday, Nov. 2, noon CT/ 11 a.m. MT

One stupid question I have - what happened to the School and Public Lands debate?


Anonymous said…
One stupid question I have - what happened to the School and Public Lands debate?

Let's see...I turned to SDPB...realized what I was watching...and quickly switched to something more interesting. Perhaps "Wife Swap."

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