Ahhhh. Spring is in the air and the campaign signs are blooming.

And the campaign signs are blooming by the side of the road.

This sign is for Samantha Stormo who is running for the House in District 6 (that's her photo in the top banner). She's got several signs up across the district with more to go up.


Anonymous said…
Kind of a sad sign. Too much unused, white space. Name could be much larger and have more pop. The star overpowers everything else. KISS theory should always prevail.
Anonymous said…
Now that we've heard from her opponent...

Actually, everything draws you into the name. Anon, it doesn't sound like you've done a lot of this.

I saw one of her opponents logos on her website, and it was laughable it was so bad. It looked like a bad Christian Rock album cover.
Anonymous said…
Actually mjb, I have done this quite extensively, and you would be amazed at my success rate. Nothing draws you into the name. The star is too large for the name in conjunction with the sign. If you look at it quickly (like most people do) you will think it is Starmo with that logo. You could have dropped the star, enlarged the name, taken up more of the white space, made the "t" just a little taller to set it off, and you could have enlarged the office slightly. I have all the respect in the world for pp, but this is not as good as it could be. Remember, the little things matter.
Anonymous said…
By the way, her opponent's logo on her website, kristinoem.com, is a little hokey. "Winds of change" does sound like it should have Fabio on the cover. Keep in mind though, this is just on the website and a brochure, what she puts up for signs could be completely different.
Anonymous said…
there is also something to be said for giving the same message all the time. why would you promote - whatever- and then put out a different ad. regardless this is so far ahead, there is just behind
Anonymous said…
I agree that consistency is important, but when your displays are as bad as the ones on the website, straying from the original isn't a bad idea.
Anonymous said…
I like the sign, and she's cute,too.
Anonymous said…
I don't get how Kristi Noem can talk about how pro-life she is and in the same brochure use the phrase "winds of change." Sounds like the same old crap, different face to me.
Anonymous said…
Pardon my bluntness, Kristi needs to push the down button on her elevated attitude. She must be suffering from I-dolatry and fallen in love with herself. The Web page is an I-sore. It reads like a "big gun" of small caliber. No substance as to what the Wind of Change is. Found it to be immensely boring. Stormo sign is neat, clean and striking.
Anonymous said…
Noem is not Art Fryslie, so ,if elected, it would be a "Change". So, she's pro-life, that's great. What's your point, person 10:21?

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