Mayoral Wars begin to get heated

I see that KELO is going to host a televised forum with the Sioux Falls Mayoral Race this next week. From

KELOLAND News will air a special edition of Inside KELOLAND on Wednesday, April 19, at 6:30 PM CDT. Sioux Falls mayoral candidates Dave Munson and Bruce Halverson will debate and discuss a number of issues posed by KELOLAND political reporter Jodi Schwan.If you have a question for the candidates, please email Jodi.
Now that we're down to two candidates, I hear that this race is going to get more heated. I'm told that there's some information running around how Halverson has been a big supporter of Munson's, and there is a glowing endorsement letter from him that's circulating. I'll see if I can chase any more information on that down.

In the meantime, watch KELO on April 19, at 6:30 for what I hope is a big one-on-one debate.


Haggs said…
Of course Halverson wrote a glowing endorsement letter about Munson. They're friends. It was, in fact, Munson who talked Halverson into running when he originally dropped out of the race. Wouldn't you write a glowing endorsement for your friends?

One of the most interesting parts of this election is that these two friends are running against each other.
Anonymous said…
I'm not so concerned about Halverson's letter endorsing Munson. Munson has done a good job and Halverson can't argue about it.

I'm more concerned about the fact that Halverson stuffed all of the mailboxes on Augie's campus with requests for money. Then he abused his access to the Augie alumni list and mailed them for money. Not much vision or tact in those actions...

I'm worried that we don't know enough about Dr Halverson to make him our next Mayor.
Anonymous said…
Cut&Paste Comment from Hagg's Blog (4/6/06):

"I'm an Augie student too, and that's why I'm not voting for Halverson.

He may be good with budgeting, but he has no regard for people, either faculty or students. If you think he does, you were obviously never part of a program he cut.

When my first major was cut, we learned about it at the same time as the newspaper. He said that there was no room for discussion, so he didn't see the point of prolonging the process. That's fine, but he completely disregarded the fact that he was dealing with people's careers, families, and futures. He saw it as a little extra savings in the budget. We don't need someone with that kind of attitude as mayor of Sioux Falls."

Posted by Anonymous | 8:35 AM
Anonymous said…
Another Cut&Paste from Hagg's:

Sounds like there's dissent on the Augie campus! I've heard that the Board of Regents didn't think too highly of Dr Halverson either. Apparently they gave him a vote of no confidence and told him to find another job.

It's a very basic website (incredibly basic), but you can reach the munson people there and offer to write a letter to Argus about your experiences.

Posted by Anonymous | 3:19 PM
Anonymous said…
I agree with both anons. Bruce is an aloof, pompous goober. I like Mayor Munson on a personal level, but he was been, how shall we say, accident prone. So I'm gonna sit this one out. But seriously, vote no on Bruce Halverson.
Haggs said…
Hey Anon (I'm assuming it's the same person),

You're making a lot of nagative comments about Brce Halverson. Have any proof to back it up?

I may be biased since I know Bruce, but I think he's a great guy and can do a lot for Sioux Falls.
Anonymous said…
In response to the above comments, I find it laughable that someone would be so out of touch with reality that they would attack Halverson for making budget cuts. Reality check, the fact is that Augie is a small Lutheran liberal arts college located in, yes, Sioux Falls!! Universities around the country have struggled in recent years, and especially private liberal arts colleges, and to be quite honest, its not easy to get students to shell out the money for Augie when Sioux Falls is surrounded by state universities in SD, Minn. Iowa, etc. So, if Halverson had to make cuts which got rid of your program, then obviously your program wasn't cutting it, wasn't popular, and what is more important? That the school survives or that you have your major? Sorry, but leaders have to make difficult decisions for the good of the whole. And as for that completely baseless LIE, no the Board of Regents did NOT give Halverson a vote of no confidence, in fact they asked him to CONTINUE for another term as President! You can even read a glowing leader by the head of the Board of Regents in a recent edition of the Argus Leader. Halverson knows how to get things done when they need to be done. That's what a good leader does. My vote is for Halverson.
Anonymous said…
I think the candidates have made it clear that they don't want to engage in petty bickering, I think they would hope that their supporters could do the same thing.

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