Bob Sutton to be featured on 20/20

I had a note today that South Dakota Community Foundation Director Bob Sutton will be featured on 20/20 tomorrow night.

(No, not for that. Dateline does those)

Seriously, the focus of the story will be the difference in charitable giving between San Francisco (very high income) and Sioux Falls (relatively low income nationally), noting how South Dakotans are very charitable in comparison to other states.


Anonymous said…
Now, how is he related to Dan Sutton? Wasn't he a Democrat but changed his party registration because he was afraid he couldn't get elected statewide as a Democrat, like Stephanie Herseth, Tom Daschle, Tim Johnson, Bryce Healy, Dick Butler, Jim Burg, Dennis Eisnach, Pam Nelson and Steve Kolbeck? Yeah, some of those guys got beat eventually, but what do they have that Bob Sutton doesn't have? How does that make Bob so electable, or does he need the handicap to win?
Anonymous said…
He is not related to Dan Sutton. Duane Sutton from the aberdeen area is his brother but neither Bob or Duane are related to Dan. Bob is an amazing person to meet. He really is a values and issues guy. If you ever get the chance have a conversation about politics with him whether you are a D or an R he can really get you thinking and he will listen to what you have to say also.
Anonymous said…
Bob Sutton is the man. I don't care what letter he has behind his name, now or earlier in his life. The guy is QUALITY. If he runs for something, it would be a tremendous mistake not to vote for him.
Anonymous said…
What is a values and issue guy?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
values and issues---
meaning that he does not necesarrily vote party line on everything. He votes based on the issues in some cases. He supports candidates of both sides in some cases.
Anonymous said…
Does that mean he's prolife?
Anonymous said…
Prolife WITH the exceptions. Just like the majority of South Dakotans.
Anonymous said…
If he is pro-life with exceptions, he will never make it out of the Republican primary.
Anonymous said…
Isn't Herseth Pro-Life with exceptions...
Anonymous said…
Yes, with EVERY exception!.... I'm wondering, has Bob ever run for any office or won any election? Why the hype over him? I've found him to be a self-important smart aleck. I don't have a good feeling to ever vote for him for anything. That's my honest opinion.
Anonymous said…
I've known Bob Sutton since College. I can't imagine anyone - Democrat or Republican - who would make a better Governor for the State of South Dakota. He's more than just a nice guy. He's smart, decisive and can lead. He also cares about the issues that the Christian Coalition and the GOP right wing should be caring about: helping low income families and poverty instead of limiting abortion and telling everyone who they should marry.

Why does the GOP insist on litmus testing all of their electable candidates with abortion and gay marriage anyway? I'm sure the Democratics party will appreciate the fact that the GOP always promotes extremists like Lee Schoenbeck over more electable types such as Sutton, Dempster and Knudson.
Anonymous said…
So, Big Bob is for gay "marraige", and abortion? Count me in with 11:06 on the "no way" side.
PP said…
guys, until Bob weighs in himself, a lot of this is idle speculation.
Anonymous said…
Well, then why are you promoting him here in the Blog of Fire?
Anonymous said…
and it burns, burns, burns, the blog of fire...
Anonymous said…
Any republican who tolerates gay marriage or abortion in any way will never get my vote. I don't care how he or she stands on all the other issues, because there ARE no other issues.


GOP Theocrat
Anonymous said…
Well I see Schoenbeck, Greenfield and Napoli have been reading the blog again...
Anonymous said…
I have known Bob for a few years now and as a Democrat I think that he is the best choice for governor. Depending on who ran against him I can almost gurantee that I would vote for Bob. You Republicans who wouldn't vote for him because of abortion and gay marrige are really missing a great, intelligent, and caring person.
Anonymous said…
Bob better just stay in private life. Here's why:

* The last name's Sutton, and Bob's gonna get Suttonized no matter how he distances himself from Danny.

* He's vulnerable with no political base of protection. The various Roman senators with knives coming out of their cloaks will do unto Bob as they did unto Sahr. It may be a Suttonization. Nobody will detect the finger prints. Just ask Sahr.

* He used to be a big shot Democrat who talked up running for statewide office as a Democrat. Never got it done. He's not a big shot among Republicans, despite the high respect he gets in the public eye with non-profits. Once he walks into that ring, he'll have to explain all kinds of dumb, demeaning questions, starting with "how come you told people you changed parties to get elected easier in South Dakota?"

Bob had a better chance rising to the top as a Democrat. If he couldn't stand the heat as a Democrat in public, what good is he as a fake Republican politician when there are plenty of real Republican politicians with at least as much on the ball?

Just stick close to home Bob, keep doing the great work you do for others, and get wealthy. You deserve a pleasant life.
Anonymous said…
I watched the whole show and never saw Big Bob. Must have been left on the cutting room floor where he belongs.

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