NO! Pick Me. Pick Me.

Since PUC Commissioner Bob Sahr has resigned early, the Associated Press is reporting tonight that Governor Rounds is contemplating appointing Steve Kolbeck to the job early:
Gov. Mike Rounds says he's thinking about appointing Democrat Steve Kolbeck, the winner of a Public Utilities Commission seat in the general election, to fill an unexpired term.

Commissioners Dusty Johnson and Gary Hanson have asked Rounds to make a temporary appointment because the PUC has some issues to decide in December. They say Kolbeck would be the logical choice since he will take office in January anyway.
Read it here at the Rapid City Journal. And then cast your vote here to appoint... Me.

Yes, appoint me instead of Kolbeck. Why? Because it would be the silly kind of historical footnote that I could use to amuse my grandchildren someday. And the electorate would be relatively safe. I mean, how much damage could I do to the utilities in 30 days or so before my term was up?

It could happen....


Anonymous said…
That would make a good historical footnote for anyone, serving in a statewide office for even a brief period of time.

It would definitely be a plum appointment. The question is whether the public would be better served by giving Kolbeck a head start on the job.

Most people don't get to start their term in office early though, and Kolbeck's term doesn't begin until January. You can't say that he is entitled to the rest of Sahr's term, and you can't say he is entitled to a head start that other officeholders don't get.

The public elected a Republican to Sahr's 6-year term. Why not give a Republican the remainder of the term for the purpose of a little party building? PP would be a good choice - he's been around Pierre and Republican politics for almost 2 decades.

On the other hand, Rounds might build some goodwill by appointing Kolbeck early.
Anonymous said…
I'm still wondering why anyone (Sahr) would give up a promising political future because of a rumor that wasn't true.
Anonymous said…
You and Gladys Pyle. Two appointments made strictly for the sake of appearances. There are worse reasons. I'm all for it! But does Marion have guts to do it?
Anonymous said…
How about appointing Tim Rounds!
Anonymous said…
Rumor that was untrue? Well that depends on who you ask now doesn't it.
Anonymous said…
See, the PUC is already missing Bob.

And in response to 8:24 - you know very well that the rumors are not true and it was a vindictive move on behalf of some people inside the PUC and other GOPers to push Bob out of the 2010 Gubernatorial race.
Anonymous said…
But if they really were untrue, why would he quit and completely vanish from the SD political scene?

If I came up with some outlandish rumor about Steph Herseth, you think she'd just give it all up like that?

Nope. I don't think so.
Anonymous said…
No question that it was an inside job.
Anonymous said…
Party Building? GAG ME!
Nobody gives a crap about the political side of of the PUC because there is absoultely nothing political about the PUC other than the election itself. As far as I'm concerned, this should be an appointed position along with School and Public Lands and Auditor.
I'm not sure if the Governor has the authority to appoint anyone other than Kolbeck since Sahr's resignation was after the election. I will have to look into the statute to see what the protocol is.
Anonymous said…
Look at the way Sutton reacted.
Anonymous said…
We're talking about Sahr in this thread, not Sutton.
Anonymous said…
Which Sutton?
Anonymous said…
The one who might run for Gov.
Anonymous said…
Both sides of the supposed "rumor" are convincing and I am sure there is some truth in the middle ground. As for it being a vindictive move, possibly but that is what can happen when you are in the publice eye and open your closet.
Anonymous said…
7:33 get your facts straight. Gladys Pyle was not appointed, she was elected in a statewide vote to fill an unexpired term.

Vera Bushfield was later appointed to the US Senate to fill her husband's unexpired term. Either way, it's something real.
Anonymous said…
The governor has the statutory authority to appoint anyone he wants, because Kolbeck was appointed to a term beginning January 1.

It is true that the public elected a Republican to fill this seat, but they also just elected Kolbeck to fill it. It makes perfect sense to let him in early. His fellow commissioners - both Republicans - have asked the Governor to do it.

And Gladys Pyle WAS ELECTED to her silly one month term.
Anonymous said…
So home come the Sahr rumor never surfaced? How come the insiders on this blog who proclaim to know whether it was true, or not, don't reveal exactly what it was? Just a lot of hot air here?
Anonymous said…
anon 8:49 am,
I think point is without logic. Do you even know what Bob Sahr did? As recall, this blog had several different stories. Did Bob need to fight all those stories and the party bosses?

Bob Sahr was in a no win situation. If he quits, people say he must be guilty of something. If he stays, people say why is making us go through this. This is what is happening in the Dan Sutton case.

Is it possible that Bob Sahr decided that it just wasn't worth it to put his wife and young daughter through all of this? Maybe he put family ahead of his politcal desires.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Why not pick an independent like Merlyn "Justice" Shutterle? He is obviously a rising political star. He finished second in a three-way race for Senate behind Jay "What's he doin'" Duenwald. He beat Wayne "Chicken" Schmidt, a delegate to the 1996 GOP National Convention. If this had been a House race he'd be sworn in next Jan. Too bad he didn't run against Hackl.
Anonymous said…
Anon 8:35,11:17
I don't think the PUC is missing Bob at all. This was no inside job by the GOPers. This happened by the stupidity and utter arrogance of Bob himself. Personally, I wish the investigation would become public just to give all you that think this is a great guy something to chew on and the fact the tax payers paid for it. I'm glad it happened now. I don't think he would've had a chance in 2010, but if he did he would have been an embarrassment to the Party, in my opinion.

All that think you don't throw in the towel over just a rumor are absolutely correct.
Anonymous said…
I am beginning to think there was no rumor. Nobody will say what it was! Just hot air!!
Anonymous said…
I agree with 11:17 am. I suspect Bob decided to put his family first. Face it, you can't fight a rumor once it's out there because people would rather believe the bad in people rather than the good. And there are no shortage of people who would rather spread falsehoods about their competition than work together to make a difference.

Pretty sad huh?
Anonymous said…
How do you get from Sahr to Shutterle? Appoint a Republican, Kolbeck can take over when his term is available. I think Rounds should pick PP>
Anonymous said…
Anon 1:47:

I couldn't agree more. Sahr thinks about no one but himself. He certainly wasn't thinking about his wife and small daughter when he decided to sexually harrass his female employees.

Good riddance, I say!
Anonymous said…
I think that Governor Rounds should appoint Dr. Phil. That office needs him. Remember this is the office that had a PUC lawyer (Cameron Hoseck) commit suicide because of an impossible Executive director. A Democratic PUC commissioner turned in his fellow commissioner in for using state phones. It is yet another day in the life of the PUC. Good luck to Kolbeck!
PP said…
11:15, unless you want to offer the physical proof or documented fact instead of repeating rumors yet to be substantiated, sorry, it's got to come down.
Anonymous said…
PP, For the first time 11:15 actually spelled out what the accusations may have been, and you took them down. Maybe the blogger was the victim, it sounded like they knew the details. The problem with this type of harrassment is that the victim, by trying to stay ananamous and keep their family out of the headlines, yet stop the offender, is the bad guy (or gal) and can't be trusted unless they tell the whole story publicly. From the details it didn't sound like a rumor. I'm guessing 11:15 could give a date or place, would that help you?
Anonymous said…
I'm guessing 11:15 was either Gary Hanson, Lee Schonebeck or perhaps Pam Bonrud. Bob's gone, and the three aforementioned all benefit somehow in their own minds.

Hell, 1:47 sounds like Lee. Utter arrogance?
Anonymous said…
We've gotten far astray on this thread. This is about Governor Rounds appointing PP to the PUC. Be decisive Governor, and put PP in that position tomorrow. He's tanned, a bit unrested - but ready!

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