Is Bill Peterson in the hunt for SDGOP Chairman?

I had made a few inquiries, and one of them paid off tonight. It's sounding more and more that former State House Majority Leader Bill Peterson might be considering a bid for chairman of the South Dakota GOP.

Bill would come with few negatives (as if there could be any) , and he might be the candidate who can receive the blessing of the Governor, Senator Thune, and the Republican leadership of the legislature.

Stay tuned for more developments on this one.


Anonymous said…
i doubt he'd want the job, but he would be great
Anonymous said…
Where's he stand on abortion and gay marriage?
Anonymous said…
I think Bill would be a good choice for this job, provided that he is willing to swear off running for any offices or preparing to do so. I have heard him mentioned as a 2010 candidate for Governor (although I do not take that too seriously). I don't think it would he good to have a chairman who is laying the groundwork for his own candidacy.
Anonymous said…
Peterson was a fairly effective legislator from Sioux Falls who people took seriously. Seems like a good choice by the the powers that be in the party. Rosenthal and Frederick were adequate, but it was time for them to hang it up.
Anonymous said…
Peterson becomes SD GOP becomes chair, I'll host the registration switch to the Dems event day!! Scoot may not be so far off.

God help us!!
Anonymous said…
Sorry, Scott H.
Anonymous said…
Who cares what Rounds and Thune thinks. This go around belongs to the people.

Bill is an excellent choice. One of several.
Anonymous said…
Anon 6:37 PM

"Where's he stand on abortion and gay marriage?"

Abortion: Same as Stephanie Herseth.

Gay rights: You ever seen Bill?

Toss it back in and keep fishin'.
Anonymous said…
Amen 7:27:

Last time I checked, and correct me if I'm wrong, the county chairs and county committeemen and women vote on the next chair.

So, does Peterson have the juice to secure the votes of some conservative types from large counties beyond Minnehaha?
Anonymous said…
It is true that the county chairs vote on the state chair, but traditionally they have accepted the Governor's choice. Certainly if Rounds and Thune are behind a given candidate, that candidate would win the support of the committee.
Anonymous said…
Bill is a yes on 6 guy...or at least that is what the sign in his yard said. As for gay marriage, I didn't see a yard sign but I doubt he saw Brokeback Mountain.
Anonymous said…
Bill is a yes on 6 guy...or at least that is what the sign in his yard said. As for gay marriage, I didn't see a yard sign but I doubt he saw Brokeback Mountain.
Anonymous said…
He is definitely pro-life. He is not on the same page as Herseth on abortion. Just shows you that blogs do not always have accurate information.
Anonymous said…
How close is Peterson to Janklow?

Is he a Thune guy or a Janklow guy?

He's been around a while but what camp does he hang around in?
Anonymous said…
Last I knew the republicans were not a one issue bunch. Who cares how he voted on 6. The tent should be big enough for both.
Anonymous said…
Bill would be an excellent choice!
Anonymous said…
I'm not sure of his stand on gay marriage, but every time he had a bill up in the House, the electronis message board said "Bi Peterson"!
Anonymous said…
Being pro-life is a part of the GOP platform.

Having a leader that supports an organization's platform is generally considered a wise strategy.

As such Bill's stance on abortion is certainly fair game and of issue given how many people in this state seem to take an active interest in the issue.

I didn't see people exercising an amount of vigor anywhere near that on any other issue aside from video lotter, which is also another social issue, albiet one that was struck down just as six was.

Nonetheless, the base which is the essential ingredient in winning elections must feel confident with their leader.

Besides, when did abortion become the issue that can be kicked to the curb in the sake of party unity? More Republicans agree with each other on abortion than say an increase in education funding.

In fact, abortion unites much of the GOP and keeps the base fired up. Other issues such as the smoking tax, video lottery, road hunting vs. property rights and yes increasing education funding are far more divisive inside of the GOP big tent.
Anonymous said…
i can see the liberal jackals are out tonight, bashing another honorable man. they are so pathetic.

will be fun to watch Peterson battle with the Democrats great-white-hope, Scooter Heideperm.
Anonymous said…
Sounds fair. Important to have a team player and a uniter at the helm as opposed to a media and grassroots nightmare, i.e. a milquetoaste Republican leader.
Anonymous said…
"Last I knew the republicans were not a one issue bunch."

You're right, we're not a one issue bunch. We're a two issue bunch. Abortion and gay marriage. Say it with me...
Anonymous said…
Amen, 9:29. Praise the Lord. We gotta save those babies and stop those queers from taking over our good Christian state.

GOP for Life
Anonymous said…
pp, I think you should remove post 8:22 PM concerning Randy.

Don't let this blog become a place where someone can make those type of comments about someone.

I read it like Randy is being accused of some type of criminal act.

Democrats and Republicans sometimes get roasted on this blog, but those type of comments in 8:22 PM just aren't needed.

You may have the right to keep it on this blog, but it's not the right thing to do.
PP said…
VJ, I would tend to agree. Unless someone can document things, it's BS, and inappropriate.
Anonymous said…
Does anyone remember the bill to close all county court houses and only have Sioux Falls, Rapid and Pierre as county headquarters in South Dakota??? If I remember correctly the author of this was none other than Rep. Bill Peterson of Sioux Falls....He does not know how the rest of the state lives and works - only the big city. I do not think he would be the right choice for South Dakota the Republican Party Chairman.
Anonymous said…
Darn! You've identified exactly why Democrats want Bill Peterson to be the hood ornament of the Rounds Machine Republican Party. Nobody can alienate the rest of the state like a policy wonk with no ability to censor dumb ideas.
Anonymous said…
Peterson is excitable has a propensity to lash out and start screaming and chewing people out. If you look closely you can see his hairpiece coming unglued from the sweat on his bald head when this happens. He literally pops his cork.

It will be fun for Democrats to have Peterson running the GOP show for 4 years. Watch for high turnover at party headquarters.
Anonymous said…
Bill Peterson's bill to consolodate counties originally created 12 counties, which he amended up to 20. It never proposed three.

The fact is that the last poster is right - Bill is a policy wonk. I don't think it is fair to say that he doesn't filter "dumb" ideas. I think he is willing to express ideas that are politically unpopular. Although consolodating counties would be hugely unpopular, I don't think anyone could honestly say that we really need 64 county courthouses.

I think we should admire someone who is willing to start a dialogue on issues like that.
Anonymous said…
remember, Bill started his life as a democrat and only switched to run for office.
Anonymous said…
I could care less what you Liberals think about our Chairman, you can pick your own Chair and we will pick ours.
Anonymous said…
Peterson sure does like to talk.
Anonymous said…
Bill would make an outstanding chairman. He is tactful, conservative and intelligent. He is not a demagogue or bully. He has the ability to get things done and include a lot of people in the decision making process. As a west river republican I can follow his lead.
Anonymous said…
I know Bill well, and I agree he can be a hot-tempered bully, sort of like Rosenthal. I don't think he would be a good choice.

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