Don't forget the beg button....

A big thanks to a couple of you who have been nice enough to contribute towards the site's upkeep.
And a reminder to the rest that your support and patronage is very appreciated. As I'm working on a few upgrades, including a move to my own URL, I do incur some expenses. And if you'd be so kind as to hit the beg button at the top on the right, and donate towards the site's upkeep, I'd be very grateful to you as well.

If you'd like to place an ad, I have lots of space available, as well as a loyal following. That's evidenced from the fact we're going to top out at over 25,000 monthly readers for the second month in a row (that's over 60,000 hits for two months running).

Thanks for your past and future support as I try to continue to bring you more South Dakota political stuff into the new year.


Anonymous said…
Are you taking grammar lessons from George Bush?

"Thanks for your past and future support as I try to continue to you more South Dakota political stuff into the new year."
Anonymous said…
Looking forward to stuff, but never did see the RCJ-candidate expose you teased us about. Or did I miss it?

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