Incoming Interns, and the Legislative Page bed check?

Tonight I was at the thank you event for the Vietnam War Memorial Dedication Volunteers. And I was fortunate enough to spend a few minutes talking with the young woman who interned for the Vietnam Dedication this summer who made it back for the event.

She was pleased as punch to tell me that she got an internship with the State Senate this coming January. As one of the other committee members and I noted, she's going to have a front row seat at a very historic legislative session. Not the least of which will be the determination of the rule violation that Senator Dan Sutton has been accused of.

Oddly enough, after I got home, I note that the Argus Leader is writing on the very topic of a few of those who are going to be working at the legislature tonight:
Legislative leaders want random checks to be sure high-school students serving as pages during session are staying where they say they are.

The Legislative Research Council’s Executive Board also decided to create an advisory committee of Pierre residents and others familiar with the page program to review policies and recommend any changes.
Read it all here.

Did something change since I was an intern? If I remember correctly, about 18 years ago, the Pages generally had host families.

Why do I remember this? I also recall there was a comely 18 year old page who had her eye on 21 year old me when I was an intern. And since "the mom" of her host family was my own mother's work partner, there was no way I was going to even consider it. (I might have been a senior in college, but there was no way I wanted to hear anything about it from my mom).

Anyway, I think if the program wants to go back to finding families willing to be responsible for these young people, that would suffice. There's no need for dormitories, bed checks or anything of that nature. Just a few willing hosts willing to take responsibility.

And not ones who might abuse that trust.


Anonymous said…
If Danny was an R, he would be out already. The R leadership would demand a fellow R who committed sexual harrassement, resign in disgrace.

No, low life liberals will protect one of their own even if the clown is guilty.

Grow a set, and have a fair hearing.
Anonymous said…
Oh fer gosh sakes, Pat, stop stalking the poor girl.
Douglas said…
Sounds like the legislature should be hiring some of those senior citizen greeters at Walmart as pages.
Anonymous said…
Well Douglas, I didn't know the pages were the ones causing the problems!
PP said…
11:29, Har-de-har.
Anonymous said…
Aren't the pages 18 and legal adults? If so, do they really need a bed check?
Anonymous said…
10:55, are you for real? Because if you are you should come to Pierre some time and make the rounds after hours. The only people who wanted this trash out in the open were Lee Schoenbeck and maybe Dennis Wiese.
Anonymous said…
8:13 am, you are the dumbest clown in town. Lee is not to blame, he wasn't in bed with a boy.

This is a serious matter when our so called state leaders are spanking little boys after dark or whatever he did.

Like I said grow a set and have a fair hearing.
Anonymous said…
When has a partisan body ever been able to have a "fair hearing"?
Let the AG finish his investigation, and if there are charges, the senate can have thier 3 ring circus.
Publisher said…
That page was Mary-Ann, wasn't it Professor? Luckily Ginger came along!
Anonymous said…
8:28, is that you Lee? You are the morals police and will never rise in this state beyond the senate as your negatives are only riveled by your unknowns. You can't walk through the hog lot and not stink no matter how right you feel (or actually may be) you are.
Anonymous said…
Where is the sign up sheet to do the bed checking? If the signup gets too full, do we draw lots?
Do we get to see photos before we commit to conduct the bed checks? Is Dan Sutton eligible to sign up?
Anonymous said…
8:28 AM you are an f***ing moron and should just shut up. I know that there are a lot of people who would want ot have a fair hearing, but the fricking AG won't have a heraing due to the lack of evidence. DO NOT forget that this whole thing has been going on for quite sometime and in the 3 months that long had to investegate this situation and has not been able to come up with one person who wanted to convict Senator Sutton, I would think that if they had all of this time to come up with evidence and they haven't, just let the situation die.
Anonymous said…
The AG can only act if there was a crime committed.

Crimes and legislative ethics aren't always the same thing.

Since the kid was over 18 it may not have been a criminal act, but it sure could have been an act that is unappropriate behavior between a Senator and a page that deserves a reprimand of some sort.
Anonymous said…
No really, i think we should build a dorm for pages. That would be a great!
Anonymous said…
Yeah, a dorm for Pages. Who would we name it after. That would be a great topic for this blog. Let's see...boy, it's hard to resist on this one. I'll leave it to the next anon.
Anonymous said…
Can't name it after Mickelson because of the Mansion incident and everything else in Pierre is named after him already. How about we name it after Randy Frederick or Larry Russell, reading PP's posts Larry is the second coming and we might as well get ahead of that train.
Anonymous said…
Oh, by all means; the party of personal responsibility and getting government out of our lives SHOULD tell and daily supervise (babysit) 18 year olds on how to live their lives. It can be called the Schoenbed check.
Anonymous said…
LOL. Thanks 7:41, although anyone who thinks Lee is a saint should talk to any mildly attractive 20 something he's run into in Pierre during his visits here. He's a letch, just not a very effective, nerdy, but a letch nontheless.

How about we name the dorm "Sutton Place."
Anonymous said…
Some may suggest moving the capitol to huron utilizing the state fair dorms to house legislators with them filling corn burning stoves every night instead of carousing and house pages at one of schoenbecks catholic prep schools. It would solve four problems underutilization of fairgrounds, economic development for huron, promote corn heaters, potential increased numbers of young people interested in a carreer as an altar boy.
Anonymous said…
Add a fifth Keeping those naughty low life legislators from spending their hard earned salaries in Pierre and Fort Pierre.

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