KCCR News has a new website for up to date info on happenings in the Capitol City

Tony Mangan and KCCR news have started another home in addition to what they're already doing over at OaheTv.com.

They're finally up at their own website over at http://www.todayskccr.com.

Why should you care?

Given the fact he's here in Pierre, and his access to many of the decision makers through years of being around the process, KCCR News director Tony Mangan is pretty good at knowing where some of the more interesting political tales lie.

So, on my recommendation, please, go check it out.

And, as I do so myself, I didn't think I realized that Thune was in town today as Tony's reporting:
Senator John Thune is in Pierre today. His only scheduled public appearance is a speech to the South Dakota Cattlemen’s Association, which is meeting at the Ramkota Rivercentre. Thune is scheduled to address the group starting at 1:15 this afternoon.


Anonymous said…
Knowing the news business and Tony well, I'm sure KCCR is not paying Tony nearly what he's worth to them and to the news community at large. He's a great human being and so dedicated to his craft. I wish his foray into politics had worked out better for him, but I would guess that his life is also a lot more sane working the news desk.

Tony Mangen is a real class act.
Anonymous said…
I agree. He is a great guy. He really knows his craft!

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