How come.......

How come Sioux Valley Hospital bans smoking on their campus for being unhealthy, but only a few months later announce that they're putting "Hot Stuff" meals and snacks in thier new food court?


Anonymous said…
Maybe they should make the people step off the Sioux Valley property to eat their Hot Stuff goodies.
Anonymous said…
Because SVH is making money off of Hot Stuff, and because eating unhealthy food is still socially acceptable as opposed to smoking.

You can't fault Kelby for needing his pizza.
PP said…
I like their incredibly cheese laden pizza as rest as the next person, but *damn*

I'd be the first to say the stuff isn't exactly a "health food." Especially the single servings of egg rolls and cheese balls.
Anonymous said…
One thing is that there is no way that a pizza is going to second-handedly harm another person, whereas smoking does.
Anonymous said…
I think we are all lucky they didnt go with Chick-fil-A like they do down South.
Anonymous said…
nonnie-look at the societal costs of our overweight nation. I just accused PP of being a hypocrit on another post, now I accuse Sioux Valley. Feels good, espcially since I do so anonymously.
PP said…
And I just deleted it because of the atrocious spelling, and the fact it amused me at the moment after I saw this comment posting.
Anonymous said…
Sioux Valley should check out the movie "super size me" and reevaluate their decision.

Money or health. Money wins. We have learned to expect this from our healthcare industry.

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