The whole family is reunited again. And the DC travelers have pics.

The whole family is reunited in Brookings tonight. And my daughter came back with some neat pictures. Here's just a sampling before I get back to spending time with my wife:


Anonymous said…
Does Thune fake-bake? What's up with that tan?
Angie said…
Thune looks like he spends a LOT of time in a tanning bed or on a beach.

Maybe it's weird coloring in the room, but he looks really dark!
PP said…
My daughter's pictures were both really dark. I had to lighten them up, so take any colors with a grain of salt.
Anonymous said…
Good thing your daughter looks like her Mom!
PP said…
good one.
Anonymous said…
It's probably left over from track season and soccer season and all the parades he's been hitting. He actually lives in South Dakota so gets to enjoy the South Dakota sunshine.
Anonymous said…
sprayed on...just like Nancy Naeve.
Anonymous said…
John actually lives in SD and he has been out looking at the drought damage. He doesn't have to rely on some staffer to tell him what SD looks like.

Who is that other guy in the second picture? He looks like he is looking for another job.
Anonymous said…
Johnny looks at the drought but can he deliver? The last time SD tried for assistance Dubya said no dice. There's a war on you know.
It'll take a lot more than CRP hay to keep our ranchers on the prairie.
Anonymous said…
Thune and everyone else in congress has plenty of time to either be out in the sun or on a tanning bed. Congress only works 3 days a week.

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