Thoughts and tribute

Oooooo. Tons of traffic today. I’m not sure, but I think this might actually be my daily record for site traffic. If this keeps up, I’m going to have to scoop the Main Stream Media more often.

Amazingly enough, I find if you break a story that someone is running as a GOP against an incumbent Democratic Congressperson, you get traffic to your site from the DCCC, as I did this afternoon. (Try to resist the urge to use my system to support a sign in the back of a pickup, guys).

Even bigger news than the “big boys” stopping by my li'l old weblog, this is my 300th post. Honest to god. How on earth have I come up with enough coherent…. Okay, MOSTLY coherent things to say? I’ve had a few lapses, but I’ve managed to pick myself up and press forward.

What can you expect in the next 300 posts? Lots of state and legislative level political commentary. More campaign tips. More interviews with the movers and shakers of South Dakota politics. More video blogging. I even have something cool I’m going to post for Halloween, a la Ghost Hunters. It’s extremely creepy, and it happens to be real.


On a more somber note, in the midst of my little happy dance over getting a scoop on Thomas Bixler running for Congress, I came across a sad article in the Rapid City Journal today.

Former State Senator Eleanor Saukerson passed away this last weekend.

I had worked with Eleanor during the 1990 campaign when she was retiring from Register of Deeds and had agreed to be a candidate for the party in Chamberlain – an area that had plagued Republicans as being a tough town to run a GOP legislator in.

And she was facing Leonard Andera. Leonard, an attorney, had already been a three term incumbent, and showed no signs of slowing down. This was not going to be an easy race for Republicans, and the signs were there that we weren’t going to have a good year anyway.

Despite having been a Register of Deeds for many years, she could sometimes be nervous about her chances. But she was going to give it her best effort.







Leonard E. Andera-D






Eleanor Saukerson-R







And in the end, Eleanor put a pretty good spanking on Senator Andera. Her total of better than two to one in Brule County, and her win in Buffalo county were enough to give her a 800 vote margin of victory.

More than anything, I just remember her as a real nice lady. And that’s enough.

In memory of State Senator Eleanor Saukerson. A salute from the South Dakota War College.


Anonymous said…
Eleanor was a mentor of mine while I was a teacher in Chamberlain. She encouraged me to do that which is right and strive towards my goals.

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