In this corner, for the DEM's, Stephanie Herseth.
And in this corner for the GOP, Tom Bixler?

I was checking out the political websites tonight, and came across Politics 1, which is one of those sites where you can read who the candidates supposedly are for various upcoming races. (Kind of similar to my WIKI). And for on the website's page for South Dakota, scrolling down to the congressional races, I noticed a new name (from the website):


Stephanie Herseth (D)* - (Campaign Site)
Thomas Bixler (R) - Salesman
Jeff Partridge (R) - Ex-Rapid City Councilman & Financial Consultant

Matt Zabel (R) - Chief of Staff to US Sen. Thune

Well, we've all heard Matt Zabel's name already, and he's issued a denial that he's running, so we'll take it at face value that he is not. Jeff has indicated an interest in considering it, and we've noted that on the WIKI.

And then there's Thomas Bixler. Having been around for a while (meaning my hair is graying now, and it wasn't when I started), I honestly have to say I'm not familiar with him.

With other newcomers to statewide races, such as Jarrod Johnson whom I mentioned yesterday, I was at least familiar with him getting into the race, and I knew he had been in a legislative primary. But Mr. Bixler is literally coming out of nowhere.

What do I know? In 2005, he had been running for the Yankton City Commission. Although, I don't believe he was successful in this year's election. But that's it. He's a bit of a mystery to me at this point. Is this gentleman a contender in this year's congressional race? Because as far as I know, the party's looking.

Tonight, I e-mailed Mr. Bixler and I'm anxiously waiting to hear back to find out if this is fact or a rumor. Because I'm a Republican wondering who my candidate is going to be. This is not a race that should go unchallenged.

And if it is a fact, if he is considering it. Well, then I want to find out more.


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