Thoughts on the news of the day
The Power and The Volesky

100% chance of electrical storm

What would normally be front page news in any other town was buried in a teeny tiny little article on page 2 of the Capitol Journal tonight (and not posted on the Internet). Oahe Electric Cooperative is going to make an attempt to take over the City of Pierre's electrical business through an initiated measure.

They anticipate they're going to be circulating petitions after the first of the year, and not only do they have to get signatures of 15% of the number who voted in the last election (which is easy), they have to win by 60% or more.

Despite the spin that might come out of city hall, this poll (405 respondents) was excellent and wasn't what you might consider a "push poll." The Coop has solid footing from which to launch their election effort this next year.


"J-Ro" Prefers Abbott over Volesky

Joel Rosenthal over at Straight Talk apparently doesn't do Ron Volesky. After several breaths explaining why he's wants attention, in the next breath he's telling the Dems to run Jim Abbott instead:

Ron Volesky is not the Comeback Kid. He should learn to be satisfied with who he is. He needs to learn what successful politicians know government is about how government affects others not you.

Democrat prospects - While Volesky may be the default candidate in an otherwise moribund Democrat party (with the exception of Stephanie Herseth), the Democrats would do far better running University of South Dakota President Jim Abbott again. Abbott also a three-time loser does understand that government is about others not self. President Abbott's recent State Of The University Speech showed a vision and a plan. Should he choose to be a candidate, Jim Abbott would be more formidable in 2006 than he was in 2002.

Jim Abbott as a candidate again? Bleah. I'm just going to stop right there.


Anonymous said…
You are right about Abbott. He won't do, but he is better than Volesky. They need a young, conservative democrat to win, but they look about as organized in recruiting a governor candidate as the GOP is in recruiting a congressional candidate.
Douglas said…
What a puzzlement for Democrat and Republicans in South Dakota if Abbott is a "Democratic" candidate. Choosing between a boring Republican in Republican clothes or a boring Republican in Democratic clothes.

South Dakota doesn't need any conservative governor of any kind. We need a Governor who is liberal on rights issues and a pocket-book conservative on spending issues and ready to do just about anything to keep educated South Dakota youth working at good jobs in South Dakota.

I keep thinking we South Dakotans should be more concerned about wasting money on boondoggles such as demolishing the only 40 year old Student Union at USD so Barnes and Noble and Arimark? can have a new facility specially configured to their business model.

There are more particularly stupid things going on at USD. It is time for the parties to get interested in campus design that reduces interest in campus attractions, etc.

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