As promised
10 Questions with Republican Congressional Candidate Thomas Bixler

As Todd Epp somewhat pointed out, it's been a Bixler Week. Thomas let it be known to the BlogOSphere world that he was running, and from this 10q, it looks like he's going to start appearing at GOP events as a candidate, starting with the GOP State Dinner in Sioux Falls.

So, agree with him or not, he's going to give it a go. He's got a plan, and is looking at consultants, and has specific opinions on the issues. So without further ado, the South Dakota War College presents - 10 Questions with Thomas Bixler:

1. Announcing your intention to seek the congressional seat is a bold step. Tell us about yourself and your background.

About The Candidate
Name: Thomas James BixlerAge: 24 (25 by Election Day)
Birth Date and Place: October 3, 1981, in Viborg, South Dakota
Current Address: 3000 Douglas Ave-Apt. 114, Yankton, SD 57078
E-Mail Address:
Residency Status: I am a lifelong South Dakotan; I have been a Yankton County resident for the past sixteen years. Family: Mother: Barbara, Father: Paul, Sister: Sarah, Brother: Matthew Education: High School Graduate Occupation: Glyconutrients Salesman Political Affiliation: Republican Political Experience: Member-Yankton County Republicans, Member-City of Yankton Park Advisory Board, Member of Toastmasters International

2. What are you doing to prepare yourself for a statewide race?

I am currently trying to get good people, regardless of party, to help with my 1900 signature petition drive.

3. What has been the party reaction to your looking at the race?

The state party's reaction is currently unknown. I will be attending the State Republican Dinner in Sioux Falls on Nov. 17th to discuss it with them. The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is aware of my intentions, but they haven't gotten back to me yet.

4. Why do you want to be a Congressman?

I am running for Congress because based on my own experience with a disability, I think the hard working middle class needs a voice in Washington that stands for its needs. Also, we need a candidate who will not spend their time finding political dirt about the incumbent or other opponents to make themselves look better but rather someone who will talkabout what they intend to accomplish in office. I am running because I have ideas for this state and this nation, not to attack Congresswoman Herseth.

5. What politician or political figure do you feel influences you the most? Who are your political heroes?

As surprising as this may be to you, my political hero is my grandmother, former Brown County Republican Chair Vera Lilly. Though she is sometimes upset that she did, she instilled in me my love of public service. And like you, Mr. Powers, who gave up a run at the congressional seat I'm seeking to be with your expectant wife (Aaaaannnnd that's a post for another day, said pp sheepishly), she declined when then-Governor Janklow wanted to appoint her to the State Senate because Grandpa was ill at the time.

6. What do you think is going to be the number one issue in the campaign?

The number one issue will be and should be who can stand up best for South Dakota without losing their beliefs to party politics.

7. Do you have anyone on your campaign team as of yet? Can you tell us who?

Just as Senator Thune picked a professional though out-of-state manager to lead his winning campaign last year, I am looking at doing the same thing. Ohioan William Sicafuse is considering, but has not been offically chosen. Any of your South Dakota readers who are interested in assisting me in this position are welcome to contact me at my e-mail address which you have.

8. What issues contrast you with Congresswoman Herseth?

She supports country-of-orgin labeling. I do. She supports our troops in Iraq. I do, despite my personal opposistion to the conflict. I don't support that she raised any of her campaign funds through EMILY"S List because it is out of state. The only people who will be rasing my campaign money are myself, fellow South Dakotans, possibly Mr. Sicafuse of Ohio as my campaign manager if I hire him, and the NRCC.

But my big issue with her, with all due respect to possible and former candidates, is my issue with most other political candidates and politicians. They insist on attacking their opponents regardless if they're the incumbent or challenger, as if they were the worst people in the world. In ads I hear who does what wrong and who takes what from who. If you're going to do that, say it to their faces at debates and wait for their answer. What I don't hear is what they intend to do in office. When I debate Ms. Herseth, if she has questions for me, I will answer them. But I intend to stick with my agenda and not attack her.

9. There are some Republicans who think Congresswoman Herseth is going to be tough to beat. Can you give us a hint as to how you're going to do it?

As I said, I intend to do it by saying what I intend to do in office without attacking her, nor will I let her lure me into attacking her. I have no paper trail for her to find, so I think she will be caught off guard in debates.

10. Win or lose, when the day is done, what do you want people to remember about your candidacy?

I want people to know that I took on the odds in running in the race, gave my message while not attacking my opponent(s), and let the voters decide who they wanted, confident in the fact that win or lose, I still have my beliefs and I still intend to voice them.


Anonymous said…
Boy, this guy is barely worth commenting on.
Anonymous said…
Pat, you were going to run for the US House before MP became pregant? When? With the number of kids you have were you thinking of running for Pressler's seat when he went to the House?
Anonymous said…
left the house I meant.
Douglas said…
Those 10 questions got responses like one might expect from a candidate for Snow Queen of Podunk.

Perhaps there is more there there and I guess practically any Republican can get elected in South Dakota.

Scooter, Ms. Miers, war problems, etc are apparently already having bad effects on GOP candidate recruiting and sparking some Democrat candidate recruiting.

I suspect all that is a bit too early. Bush has 39 months to unscrew his messes or screw up worse. Stay tuned.
PP said…
Actually, anon, it was between 10 and 15 years ago, and I was feeling pretty big for my britches.

I'll tell the tale at some point.
David Newquist said…
The response keeps suggesting that Ms. Herseth makes personal attacks on opponents. Unless we have a cog or two missing in the wheels of memory, we recall that her campaign was distinguished because she refused to engage in attack tactics. Can someone refresh the memory if she did?

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